Chapter Twenty-Five - You're Not Going to Run

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The picture above is close to (but not perfect) what I imagine Riley to look like. I mean, it's kinda hard to find people who look exactly like what I've imagined, but this is pretty similar.😂 What do y'all think?

Enjoy the chapter! Sorry for the long wait!


I watched Riley's smirk widen as the horror slowly crept into my mind. He seemed to know he had complete and utter control, and he was relishing in it. In that moment, the only thing I could manage was keeping myself from screaming. I wouldn't give him that satisfaction. 

In the midst our silent battle, Samuel stirred. We both watched him intently as he groaned and shifted his weight around. For a moment I thought he would wake up and I'd be rid of Riley's company, but eventually, he settled down once more, remaining unconscious. After Samuel's stirring, Riley was slow to bring his gaze back to me. When he did, he had a new light in his eyes. The anger was gone and had quickly been replaced by something that could be mistaken for happiness.

"This is going to be good," he nodded to himself. His eyes lingering on Samuel's frame. "You're not going to screw this up."

I found myself nodding. Riley seemed pleased with my reaction as a sincere smile spread across his face. "You're smart, Samantha. I don't think I'm going to have to worry about you, am I?"

He waited patiently for my response. I tried finding my voice, but it wouldn't come. His previous threats were still running rapidly through my mind and it seemed as if I could focus on nothing else. 

Riley watched me carefully and thought for a moment, rubbing his hand along his stubbled chin. "You've got to make him believe it, too. You've got to make him believe you're here by choice."

I nodded, even though I didn't know how that was going to be possible. Samuel knew I hated him and everything he stood for. That would never change.

Riley couldn't be more pleased with my reaction. He sat back against the wall and relaxed his shoulders, placing his hands on his knees. A content smile was plastered on his cheeks and I didn't think it was leaving anytime soon. It did seem to light up his features, making him appear much younger than he actually was. Though he had a boyish face, I knew Riley was much older than he seemed. 

"We'll have to have a plan," he eventually mused, shifting his weight. "Samuel's a smart guy and I don't want him suspecting anything."

Riley looked at me expectedly, but I only nodded my head again. He laughed at my simple motions, shaking his head in disbelief. 

"Maybe if Samuel had known this was all it would take to tame you he would have done it himself," he mocked. 

I closed my eyes, but other than that I didn't acknowledge his comment. I let his words roll off of me and disappear into the cold air. My prior anger threatened to slip through my tongue, but I couldn't let it. Not now that Riley held all the strings. 

Riley stretched and groaned slightly. His eyes flickered between me and the door as he pursed his lips. "Well, it's getting late. Bray is taking too long and frankly, I'm tired."

Riley stood up and slowly made his way to the back room, where he started moving things about. His back was turned to me and the only thing I could see was his muscles tensing as he reached around, searching for something. Before long, he came back out of the room holding something heavy in his hands. As he approached I made it out to be a bundle of thick and frayed rope. 

I watched warily as he came to kneel next to me, the smile never leaving his face. One of his arms reached for my hands but stopped when I flinched back. I avoided his pointed stare and tucked my arms under my legs, praying he would leave. My eyes rested on the rope and it suddenly felt as if I was being caught all over again. I knew I should be listening to Riley, but I didn't know if I could be tied up again. Not so soon after I'd gotten free. Not when I was alone in a small room with two werewolves. The images of Riley tearing Margaret's head clean off her shoulders were still fresh in my mind, and if I was tied up it would be even easier for him to do the same to me.

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