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By the time Nate showed up at my door later that afternoon, I'd taken a shower and settled into some sweats, ready for a super chill night ahead. Despite his pretty immature behaviour earlier on in the day, I'd decided to let go of all my pent up frustration and just focus on Nate and enjoying his company.

"Hey baby," he pulled me into a tight hug as he crossed the threshold into my apartment. "How do you always manage to look so sexy in sweats."

"I guess it's just a natural talent of mine," I laughed. I was literally wearing sweatpants and a crop top bra - as always - and had my hair in a messy bun; more like a bird's nest to be honest. It was far from cute in my opinion, but I definitely wasn't going to deny a compliment like that, no matter how misplaced it may have been.

He placed a kiss on my forehead, then on my temple, then to my jaw, and on the corner of my lips, before finally kissing me more deeply on my lips. Once we were both a little out of breath, he pulled away, sending me a breath-taking smile.

"How was your day?" I asked, stepping back to invite him further inside. I took a seat on the couch while Nate dumped a bag full of junk food on the kitchen counter. He sure knew the way to my heart, and was making the most of that power he held.

"Pretty boring," he laughed. "After dropping you off, I literally went back to bed until lunchtime."

"Wow," I chuckled. "You must have been hella tired."

"I sure was," he smiled, before changing up his tone to something a little more serious. "Hey I'm sorry if I annoyed today with those texts."

"It's ok," I replied genuinely. "I just don't really understand why you're so infatuated by my boss."

"I'm not- it's just-," he stuttered, scratching the back of his neck as he stood by the kitchenette. "I guess seeing him last night, and the way he looked at you - it caught me a bit off guard."

"He's not a bad guy, Nate," I assured him. "Sure he stuffed up, but he's apologised and moved on. And if it makes you feel any better, he told me that he thinks you're a chill dude."

I decided to leave out the bit about the firm handshake, knowing that joking around about it could be taken very poorly.

"Let's just focus on us tonight," I continued. "I spend my entire day with Mr Gray, the last thing I want to do is spend my entire night talking about him as well."

"Sounds like a plan," Nate smiled widely, his cute dimples on full display. "So what are we watching then?"

"Up to you," I replied. "I chose last time."

"Sweeeet," he got all excited. "You ever seen 'The Office'?"

"I don't think so," I racked my brain for any memory of the show. "No."

"What?!" Nate feigned offence, holding his hand to his heart as though I'd severely wounded him.

"Don't kill me," I laughed, holding my hands up in the air. "I liked Friends too much as a kid to spend time on anything else."

"Well tonight's the night," he pulled out his phone and got it connected to my TV. "We'll start from the start and see what you think."

We opened up a couple of packets of candy, settling into the couch as the first episode began. Nate was completely enthralled in the show from the moment it began, but I wasn't quite as keen on it. By the time we were a couple of episodes in, I had come to the conclusion that although it was pretty funny, The Office just wasn't my vibe. I definitely appreciated the unique filming style, but it was just a little dry for my personal liking.

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