Under Arrest

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Alexis was sitting in the living room, browsing the internet and searching for all the possible details about Kyle's release. Given that the tiral was more or less a secret, she found pretty much nothing. One of the headlines summed the situation well:

Kyle Fletcher released after a mysterious trial

Basically no one knew about the true nature of the trial - considering all facts, the sisters knew the most about the case, more than any other citizen of Gardens. "What the hell am I searching for?" she mumbled to herself. "I already know that the bastard is free... do the details really matter?"

In that moment, Diane bursted in the room, loudly singing:

"If there's something strange in your neighbourhood,

who are you gonna call?"

She pointed at Alexis, waiting for her to finish the line.

"Diane, please," Alexis said. "I'm trying to think."

"Your thinking always ruins all the fun!" Diane groaned. "Come on! Who are you gonna call?"

Alexis rolled her eyes. "Warren sisters!" she said to the tune of the song.

"Oh, finally!" Diane cheered. "I know that Kyle's releasing messed you up. We almost got him. But we should've expect that, right? That sucker is sneaky. I think he'd be able to convince Lord Voldemort to destroy his Horcruxes and kill himself."

Alexis laughed. "You know very well that book references interest me any time, right?"

"That's why I use them." Diane looked at the computer screen. "You know that Google can tell you pretty much nothing about this case, right?" she said. "I have more reliable source." She left the flat and used the elevator to move to the floor where Anna Lightfoot lived. She knocked and Augustus, Anna's brother, opened the door.

"Greetings," he mumbled, giving up any rude remarks about the sisters' frequent visits. Diane stepped in and found Anna in her room, laying in her bed in a blue tank top and black shorts, hair tied into a messy bun, holding a sketchbook and a pencil. She was working on her art.

"Hi, Annie!" Diane greeted her old friend. "Did you find anything more about Kyle's case, as you promised? Lex is all stressed out because of it."

"Nothing much," Anna replied. "Only buttloads of lawyer terminology I don't understand. My contacts say that the trial was pretty messy, though. There were tons of contradictions and indirect evidences. In the end, they had to give him a light sentence because there actually wasn't any evidence that Kyle meant to cause any harm with the summoning."

"And what about the false accusation of Gray Forrestal?" Diane exclaimed. "That's, like, nothing?"

Anna shrugged. "I guess someone had banknotes on their eyes while discussing that matter."

"Is the justice really that easy to buy here?" Diane sighed. "I'm pretty sick of it, even more because I know that Kyle will cause more trouble for sure. Man, I need to look at something nice. What are you working at? Can I take a look?"

"I'd rather not..." Anna blushed and tried to hide her sketchbook.

"Show me!" Diane laughed and pried the paper from the girl's hands. She looked at the picture - it was a beautiful pencil sketch of her sister's face. "But that's... Alexis?"

Anna sighed. "Please don't tell her, for God's sake. I'm trying to learn to draw portraits and her face was the first that came to my mind.

Diane raised her eyebrows. "I'm not questioning it. I'm just a little offended because you have a gorgeous, hot model aviable and you chose my boring sister. I'd be even willing to undress!"

The Sisters: The Curse of Gabriel's GardensKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat