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Alexis woke up with a feeling she hadn't felt in ages - true happiness. Every time the depression caused by Marlene's death crept up on her, the thoughts about Anna effectively blocked them and gave the girl a dose of dreamy euphoria instead.

She had to make sure that yesterday didn't happen only in her dreams - it wouldn't be the first time she dreamed about getting close with her impaired best friend. She came to a conclusion that it really happened, even though it was still hard to believe.

They spent the last evening by slowly accepting their unusual love. Their first kisses were quick and shy, sometimes accompanied by uncontrollable bursts of giggling, but later on, they progressively became more intense and passionate. They spent a long time staring into each other's eyes, quietly admiring their beauty while their favorite love songs from the bands Starset, Skillet and, of course, Sleeping Entropy spoke the words they wanted to say.

Alexis remembered when they touched with their foreheads, exhausted and out of breath after an especially long and intense kiss... and then bursted out laughing when Alexis' glasses slipped and fell on Anna's lap.

Anna's lips were so warm and soft and Alexis found herself desperately craving for more. They aspired to be another one of her harmless addictions next to books and music. Fortunately, Diane took Dante for a long walk to avoid Alexis' grumpy mood. That way, she didn't have to witness their initial intimacy, even though the fresh lovers agreed that they can't keep it secret for too long. When Diane returned, Alexis' mood turned 180 degrees - Alexis didn't want her sister to suspect she's becoming bipolar while she only found the most effective cure for her awful moods.

She jumped out the bed while quietly singing to herself: "One day the Earth will open wide, and I'll follow you inside, 'cuz the only Hell I know is without you..." while maintaining a silly smile. She didn't want to act like a teenage girl madly in love... but she was exactly that, so why not? After debilitating weeks of depression, she had a right to experience something mushy and cheerful.

After she prepared the breakfast, someone opened the door and went in. Alexis' heart skipped a beat because she was sure about who it is - besides her and Diane, only one person had a keycard to their flat.

Alexis and Anna exchanged warm smiles, then the fair-haired girl leaned to hug her girlfriend and greet her with a kiss on the forehead.

"C'mon, Lexie," Anna smirked. "Isn't it a bit weaksauce compared to all that making out from yesterday?"

Alexis leaned to her once again and finally seized Anna's lips, satisfying her needs. Judging from Anna's passion, she felt the same craving. Alexis found it impossible - someone actually longing for her presence, desiring her kiss, someone actually loving her. But here it was - a girl who was, unlike Marlene, able to appreciate and return her love.

She remembered Alyssa's words: I'm sure you'll even be able to find true love. You just have to look around you, sometimes it's closer than you think.

You were right. Thank you, Alyssa.

Her blissful moment was interrupted by a loud shout: "What the actual hell is happening?"

Alexis detached from Anna's lips and turned around to see Diane in her sleepwear with a shocked expression on her face. Alexis smiled nervously. "You're up early today, Dee," she said. "We wanted to break it to you a bit more carefully, but now..."

"H-how long?" Diane voiced.

Anna looked at her wristwatch. "It's eight in the morning... so I guess... fifteen hours already."

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