Chapter 7

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Once again the crowd went ghostly quite and people bowed their heads in respect to their future leader. I did as well which caused a frown to appear on the young Henry's face who might I add still stood next to me. Prince Edward gave a slight nod to the crowd signalling for the ball to continue before he started his way down the stairs.

The music began once again along with the dancing and chattering. As the Prince reached the bottom, he was flocked by young maidens all trying to gain his attention, he gave them a kind smile before heading straight to his mother.

I looked to my side only to see Henry still holding his frown but this time it was directed at his brother instead of me.

"You know, I am worried about him. He has been very stressed lately, in fact we all have but he has been the worst." The prince beside me softly spoke barely audible enough for me to hear.

"I could only imagine with his coronation coming up soon and everything. He will be the leader this kingdom needs in order to strive although all respect to the current Queen herself." I replied.

Henry nodded but then looked as if he was about to say something but chose not to. Instead he drew his attention to a young girl who had just arrived at the top of the grand staircase. She was absolutely breath taking in her extravagant blue gown which fitted her like a glove. Her hair was styled in a way which complemented her face.

She walked down the stairs unannounced in such a way that was so gentle her footsteps could hardly be heard. I had noticed almost everyone was watching yet they continued to dance and chatter among themselves.

Prince Henry left my side and headed towards her leaving me by myself once again. I smiled and silently chuckled to myself. That boy is stuck in a star struck trance.

Knowing that I cant approach Prince Edward while he is with his mother the Queen and surrounded by young maidens, I decided to get a breath of fresh air and headed towards the balcony doors. Once outside, everything was a little less noisier and peaceful. There was a set of stairs leading into the beautiful garden below and I couldn't help but sit down on them and rip off my terrible high heels for a bit before sliding them back on.

I let out a breath of relief and looked up at the night sky that was littered with stars and constellations and most importantly a big bright full moon that lit it up.

Soon i felt a presence next to me which caused my gaze to drift to the stranger who now sat beside me. To say I was shocked would be a understatement, Prince Edward himself was seated beside me a looked up towards the sky just as I was doing moments before. His face was partly covered in a few shadows and I could hardly make out his features.

"Its beautiful isn't it." He said looking down at me.

"Your Highness," I bowed my head, "it truly is." I said referring to the sky and moving my gaze back up there once again.

"Why, may I ask are you not inside enjoying the ball?" He asked me curiously once again drawing my gaze away from the sky and towards his chocolate brown eyes.

"In all do respect my prince, I needed a break and some fresh air, I have never really been a fan of balls and parties." I broke eye contact and look down.

"Me niether but mother insists on them sometimes and I can't refuse her because apparently I need to find a bride to sit beside me as queen when I take upon the title as king. I have enough problems already with taking on the kingdom..." He let's out a small exhausted sigh.

"Sorry, you did not need to know that, I shouldn't have said a thing." He stood up about to leave.

"No need to apologise your Highness. I will not speak or comment on this if you wish." I gave him a small smile about to stand up when he reached out a hand and helped me. I thanked him silently.

"Thank you, that is much appreciated, would you like to accompany me inside for perhaps a dance if i may ask?" I nodded as he reached out his arm for me to hold and led me inside towards the dance floor. People moved slightly out the way for us but continued to dance just as a slow tune started to play.

I rested my arms on the Princes shoulders while he rested his on my waist as we swayed softly to the beat of the music. I am quite tall for a girl and in heels made me almost the same height as the prince which made the dance pleasant as I am normally taller than most men and am taller than most of them currently situated in this room.

"You look familiar, have we perhaps met once before?" He whispered just loud enough for me to hear.

"I get that a lot surprisingly." I smiled at him. If only he knew...

"Well a beautiful face such as yours is hard to forget, I just cannot seem to remember where and when it was we met." He gave me a soft smile just as the song began to end.

"Thank you for you the dance but please excuse me your highness I would like to powder my cheeks." I smiled and silently left.

Once I was alone, I slipped the satchel off a grabbed it off the floor making sure it was not visible in my hands as I walked back. Much to my surprise the Prince was actually waiting for me.

"I don,t believe you ever told me your name and I could not bare to go without it for you are such a fair beautiful maiden." He said as he approached me once again by the looks of it to dance once more with me. I smiled at him then lent forward to whisper in his ear when he got close enough.

"You don't need to know it and I am sorry for taking these, please forgive me." I said as I placed the satchel in his hands. He looked confused before looking down at the satchel about to open it, I took this as my que to leave.

I disappeared into the crowd of dancing people and up the stairs just as I heard the prince yell.

"Guards stop her!"

But I was too quick. I slipped through the door just before anyone could block me.
I felt the guards running after me. I took off my terrible heels and ran as quickly as I could navigating my way towards the front gate before they could lock it.

It was already beginning to shut and I knew I was not going to make it. I was running out of time. Panic began to set in sending cold chills down my spine and causing my legs to become tired and heavy but i continued to push myself on. I could not allow them to get me. I was now 3 meters from the gate and it was almost fully closed.

When I reached it, I slid under it just as it hit the ground behind me. I got up quickly and continued to run. Just then a cross bow arrow was fired and hit my leg causing me to fall over and land flat on my side.

Damn it!

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