Chapter 22

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I have come to the conclusion that I am officially cursed or just have the worst luck in all the miserable history of mankind.

Let's make twenty-three babies together.

Twenty-three babies!..

What the hell is he thinking?!

I was still very much aware of the blade against my throat. She could just decapitate me if she pleased and thanks to Warren and his smart mouth, that would likely happen.

She simply scoffed at him not giving him the satisfaction of a response while her accomplice that I had just noticed, moved behind Warren and put a blade to his neck while he tied his hands behind his back.

The girl behind me started doing the same harshly grabbing my hands pulling them behind me where she could bind them. It was highly uncomfortable considering the fact that was wearing amour that was already chaffing my sides only for the new position to cause it to dig in further leading me to be slightly short of breath.

The solider with Warren harshly ushered him forward with a shove and I knew I would be soon to follow but before I could take a step forward in acceptance and compliance to my capture the lady behind me halted me.


I stood still, unsure of her intentions.

That is when I felt it. Her hand moved and undid on of the buckles keeping my amour in place causing it to to loosen slightly. I let out a slight breath in relief to be free from its constrictions.

I was still on alert however, not dropping my guard. I could not help but wonder what she was up to but that was answered soon enough.

She moved closer to me from behind, her cold slender hands moving under my amour with ease making their way under my shirt onto my waist. I tried to move away as I was uncomfortable at the notion.

"What are you doing?" I just about spat out without thinking.

Her cold hands rested on my skin as she moved around to face me. I took note of her features understanding why Warren was aware struck and if I was into women I think I would be too. She was indeed gorgeous making me ever so self conscious about my own looks.

She stood tall, about the same height as myself and looked to be around my age if not a year or two older. She had long yellow blonde locks pulled and braided into a tight hairstyle out of her face. She had sharp features with prominent cheek bones and smooth eyebrows. Her green eyes watched me, analysed me, with a curious glint in them.

"I was just proving my assumptions concerning your gender."

I felt her hands move up latching onto my bindings but fortunately not tempting to undo them before moving away to latch the buckle of my amour up again shifting it slightly so that it would not irritate me as much.

"It seems I was correct. You are a female."

It did not dwell well with me how she could just assume my gender.

"Without the whole feeling me up part, how could you tell?"

She smiled ever so slightly.

"Oh I know a woman when I see one for I am one too you know. It's not everyday you see one disguised as a solider you know. In fact I don't think I have ever met one who was part of this kingdom's army. Isn't illegal for a woman to join?" It was a rhetorical question for I could tell she knew the answer.

"Does your plump companion know the truth?" She walked around me playing with her blade tauntingly. I knew that I could not escape, her movements were like that of a skilled fighter which I had no doubt that she was.

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