Sylveon x Umbreon (Pokémon)

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Like I said in the Umbreon x Espeon chapter (wow people really like Umbreon), the concept of a Pokémon means that there are a lot more than one of them (except legends/mythical/Tapus but let's not get into that). Plus this is even shown with Pokémon behaviors in the anime and natures/characteristics in the game (but no one on here cares about that cause you people are normie casuals....jk pls don't leave).

So in my opinion you can't just name two random Pokémon and ship them, unless they're specific Pokémon.

But disregarding that, Eeveelutions are popular amongst people to ship because they like the concept of it, which sounds confusing, but let me explain.

Like Umbreon and Espeon, it's not necessarily the mons, but the duality of light and darkness that attracts people. Yay English literary devices.

Here, it's the concept of Umbreon being a quiet, prefers to be alone kind of thing, while Sylveon is supposed to be the nice "I just killed a couple of pseudolegendary dragons, want a cupcake? Wow what a nice day today!"

So, it's ok I guess.

(Suggested by princesspikapower5)

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