Chapter 2

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02. Reasons

"When was the last time you two had a real meal?" Sansa questioned the next morning. She only nibbled on a piece of salted blood sausage as she watched Bran and Meera fill their mouths in a hurry.

There hadn't been time for them to eat much the night before, nothing more than milk and bread and cheese with some berries. It was too late for the kitchens to be running, but it didn't matter in the end. Bran and Meera were glad for what they were given and even more so when they were ushered into their rooms. They looked upon the bed as if it was made of gold.

Only an hour passed before they all went their separate ways, although it felt like all night. They each had so much to say to one another—questions, praises, laughs and tears—and it took all their will to leave each other to their thoughts and get what little sleep they could. Morning would bring discussion.

The three of them had gathered to break fast in the Great Hall and no sooner was the food placed on the table did Bran and Meera seize whatever they could. The food went from their plates to their mouths so quickly; it would have been thought that the food was at risk of disappearing. Saying they were eager to taste a properly cooked meal was an understatement.

Meera answered first, buttered bread in one hand and a fork of sausage in the other. She only bothered half a swallow before explaining, "We were able to eat fine at times, depending on the game in areas."

"But," Bran started before taking a big swig of his wine cup, "not a thing nearly as good as this." He reached across the table to add more eggs to his plate.

"The rabbit wasn't bad though, you have to admit."

He smiled at Meera and shook his head. "Not always."

A comfortable silence fell over them a moment. The only noise that could be heard was the clanking of utensils against plates and stomachs moaning in glee.

"Should we not have waited for Jon?"

With a wine glass to her lips, Sansa shook her head as the bitter drink cascaded her tongue. "I'm sure he'll be around shortly. Besides, did you really want to wait for him?"

Bran and Meera exchanged looks and it was clear that they did not.

It didn't take long for Jon to find them. He had woken early, as he had almost every day since setting foot back into Winterfell and walked the grounds. He might not have been at the Wall any longer, but he was still seen as Lord Commander by his peers rather he liked it or not. The duties that come with that title, that come with spending so much time as a Man of the Night's Watch, is hard to break overnight. Everything had to be working, and he had to be the one to see that it was. It was a wonder if he'd ever go back to his ways from before. Sansa expected that none of them would.

"How are you two feeling?" Jon asked, food and wine of his own now sitting in front of him. He smiled and didn't touch any of it until Bran started to reply.

"Better. Drained now that we're able to catch a break but better." Bran gave Jon a smile, sad and tired, but there was a small piece of it that reminded both Jon and Sansa so much of the little boy he had once been all that time ago.

"Bran," Sansa leaned forward, letting Jon eat before it all went cold. She would be the one to start the inquisition. "We know you just got here, but we have to know—what happened to you out there? The last Jon heard from one of the Night's Watch, you were heading north. Passed the wall. Not to it."

Bran glanced at Jon. "So Sam did tell you? He said you and he were friends."

Jon nodded, lowering his wine glass hesitantly. His eyes lit up for a briefest of moments. "We are." Jon didn't walk much about the men at the Wall, most he had befriended was dead he said, but Samwell Tarly was one that he talked about often if Sansa asked. He was a stout boy, Jon had said, not the kind likely to be seen up there on the Wall and many thought he wasn't going to make it all together—but, with the help of Jon and so many others, he had. And he had done so much for Jon in the end. He wouldn't admit it to anyone, but Sansa knew he left alone without Sam.

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