Stay Away From Lake Derek

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My mom had just got a new job as a deputy at a sheriff's office in a town surrounded by thick woods on one side and the sea off the coast of Washington state some miles west of Victoria. It wasn't too big, but not staggeringly small. They had a Walmart and the drive to the city wasn't too hard to achieve.

My school was a one story building with a gym, computer lab, standard size library and about eight classrooms. So getting to class was quick and easy, the only downside being no offical cafeteria, but a fully stocked kitchen. The food was often delivered to our home rooms, where we would report to for lunch break and free period.

Another plus was that we only had four classes a day so we were able to arrive at 10, have lunch, then start our one hour classes. We had our fourty minute home room, where we would gather supplies for the day, finish homework, catch up, use the bathroom and hear school announcements and watch the news on donated tvs. Then the first of our five minute change of classroom started. Being a small school with under fifty students, it was easily managed.

I already had a friend to help me get around. Jacob had been my best friend since we were kids and when he had moved here two years ago, we stayed strong friends over Skype and phone. I broke my lamp in excitement two months ago when my mom told me we were moving to where he was.

Jacob let me know the rules, how to easiest navigate school life and mostly, who was who and how to connect. And who to avoid.

I was packing up my history notes when I finally noticed her in the back corner. She was willowy, with not much of a figure, but not too tall with long dark hair that hid some of her face. She was still writing in her journal. The teacher had long gone already and the school would be closed soon for the night.

"Hey, class is over." I called.

She didn't move except her scribbling.

"Hey?" I called again, now nervous I might have to talk to her even more. I didn't like talking to others if I could avoid it.

I felt Jacob yank me away and out of the classroom. "Dude, no. Don't talk to her."

"What? Why?" I asked, rubbing my wrist where he pulled me.

"That Marla Gutierrez. Her Grandpa is scary as hell." He explained as we walked to his car. We only lived a few blocks away and our houses were across from each other.

Once inside, he started up his old corolla and carefully drove out of the parking lot. "Rumor is the old man killed his wife and son and kidnapped Marla. She never ever talks. Like ever!"

"That can't be true. Wouldn't the cops have taken him away?" I asked, knowing how much Jacob liked tall tales and gossip.

"They can't prove it." He said.

"DNA test on her?"

"Well...okay, you got me there. But what if he killed her parents. His son went missing and washed up on the lake shore in pieces. They said a bear did it...but you never know." He said in a spooky voice.

"Lake? As in Lake Derek?" I asked.

"Yeah! Lots of kids go there to mess around. Speaking of whick...Wanna go tonight?"

As much as I hated socializing, I decided to go. If only to keep Jacob out of trouble.

We went to the lake, parking by a chain link fence with a huge hole cut into it. Sneaking through the fence, we saw a group of people smoking and drinking. I recognized a few people from school.

"Cole, meet Macrae. But call him Mac. This tall jerk was my only saving grace I had when I first got here." Jacob said. I shook the stranger's hand. Jacob had mentioned him a few times. He was tall with blond hair and light brown eyes. I noticed he had scars on his shoulders but was relaxed and slouched lazily, wearing blue jeans, a sleeveless rock band shirt, combat boots and a shark tooth necklace.

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