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I have changed all names, except for my own, to keep everyone anonymous.

The year was probably 2012 when this started? I'm not totally sure I guess. Before I start this, I will say that I never really remember what was said in conversations. I normally just remember what happened, and that sorta thing.

So, my brother Hank and I were in fifth and ninth grade, respectively. I had started writing stories and making short films with him and some friends. We really did a LOT of random things to try and pass time. We had to share a room anyway, so we could normally drag each other into doing whatever we felt like doing. We were both very art-oriented, and we were also very good at, like, anything art-based. Which included drawing, and making music, too. But, anyway!

By the way, my name is Andrew, but my brothers and older friends call me Drew. So, anytime that you hear those two, they are probably talking about me.

My brother had found this website that was all based on spells, curses, and other things that I saw as fairly creepy to be honest. It looked sketchy as all hell, too. There were gifs playing on the sidebars, and the color scheme was a little too vibrant. Ya' know, how websites can seem like unofficial if it is too colorful? But he was my brother, best friend, and role model. So, I went along with all his ideas and schemes and such. We lived in Ohio at the time, and it was around late fall/early winter. Now this website had a list of various types of spells. And when he was showing it to me, I saw that there was a tab that said something along the lines of 'Weather Spells'. Now I thought this sounded interesting, so I took the bait. I opened it and sure enough, one tab said 'Spell for heavy snow'. Let me tell you, it is every Ohioan's – I don't think that is a word, but I mean someone from Ohio. – dream to get out of school for a snowday. Up until recently when they started giving out blizzard packets. But anyway, I tried saying the spell.

Flash forward about a couple of days. The spell hadn't worked, and we had received zero ounces of snow. But before bed, Hank approached me with a new 'Spell' from the site. And it was about creating a mental creature. This sounded very cool to me at the moment. So, I did all the steps and made this monster.

Now, when I was four or five I had a nightmare about this thing, that came at me in slow motion. In the dream, I was standing in my hallway. All the bedroom doors were open, and instead of seeing the room, there was just a black void inside. But, something emerged from the last door on the left. And, I couldn't scream, or move. Which happens in my dreams a LOT, too. I watched this terrifying thing come at me. I totally had the feeling like it wanted to KILL me though. And the dream was completely silent, too. Which totally added to the eerie-ness.

I also around this time developed a fear of... well, steps. And I still have this fear to this day. I had a nightmare that I was in my basement. And, I heard this noise from the opposite side. But it was dark, so I couldn't really tell what it was. When I turned and ran up the steps, I heard something running up the steps behind me, and I could tell that it was moving faster than I was. At this point, I woke up. I feel like it makes it worse that you can't stop to turn around and see what IT is, ya' know? To this day, walking up steps in the dark absolutely TERRIFIES me, because I don't know if something is suddenly gonna run up behind me, and grab me or something. So, I pretty much have developed a habit of sprinting up steps whenever it is night.

ANYWAY, I had made this, sort of, monster. And Hank told me that I had to feed it everyday, using my own energy now. I definitely wasn't buying it though, honestly. Then, Hank asked me what it looked like. I looked up at him for a second, and INSTANTLY, I felt as if that thing from my nightmare was behind Hank, and it was staring at me. I got the biggest chills of my whole entire life at that moment. And it felt SO REAL, like I could've sworn I could actually see it behind him. Like, it was staring at me. I can't explain how much I could actually feel its presence though. And then I just instantly looked at Hank and said, "How do I kill it?". I think Hank pretty much just said that you rip up the paper you had used to create it. At the time, Hank and I both had these loft beds, that were pretty much just these big metal stands that hold your bed in the air. That way, we could put dressers beneath our beds. But, that night, I had the feeling like this thing was still alive, or like it was just hidden away? Like, tucked into the back of my mind? I swear though, I could feel it moving around on the floor beneath me or something.

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