The Dreaded Dorm

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Told by Anonymous

Three years back while in high school preparing for our final exams, me and my friend lost track of time and stayed late in the classes area. The school being a boarding school in the middle of nowhere, the nearest town was about 30km drive from the school.  So from the hostel to the classes area it was about 10 minute walk. The school is about 1km wide or more.

We lost track of time while studying when we finally realized it was almost midnight.  We packed our books and headed towards our dorm. When we were about to close the door of the classroom we heard heavy footsteps (like an army troop descending the stairs) and whispers.

The light began to flicker and without giving it a second thought we ran for safety. Out of breath we started to walk fast towards our dorm.  Midway we heard footsteps behind us and we turned to look for the source, but saw no one.  We increased our pace and later on ran.

On reaching to the gate we found it locked,  so we had to jump over the fence which was high above our reach.  Thinking about how to get through, we heard heavy and loud footsteps heading towards us.  I actually don't know how, but we jumped over the fence. It may have been work of adrenaline. That day really spooked me out.


A close friend of mine went for a shower. The dorm was silent -- all the students were on vacation except for few who stayed for extra moral lessons -- and after a few minute my friend came out shouting for help and was shaking profusely. We brought out her towel from the bathroom and asked her what happened.

She couldn't talk; she just clung tightly to her pillow, shaking.  We let her be and told her to have a nap.  Later on she told us what she saw.  When she was about to have her shower she saw a girl who looked exactly like her in the shower.  The girl was facing her, smiling, and she extended her arms out to her. That's why she ran out.

Since then we don't use the bathroom.

Since then we don't use the bathroom

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