Stall Door

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Told by HetaliaEngland_

My experience occurred during 2015. It was quarterly exams that time and it was break time. I ate my snacks, minding my own business while a cacophony of loud voices made distracting noise. I had few friends that time, but I can say high school life is pretty fun even though some teachers are grumpy.

I was just staring at the people around me when my friend -- lets call them J for privacy reasons -- told me that we're gonna talk about something important. I followed him towards one of the male restrooms, which was surprisingly empty and eerie. We started talking about what happened at math test earlier, and other stuff.

All of a sudden, I thought I saw something pass by in a turbo speed at the corner of my eye. "Did you see that?" I asked.

"No, nice joke, man," he said.

He thought it was funny, but it died down when I heard a bang from one of the stall doors which made me skip a beat. The lights suddenly went out then lit up back. It was frightening. I was a guy but that sound freaked me out and we hastily ran out.
That had been a long time ago, but it still haunts me to this day. Part of me thinks the maintenance were just trying to make fun of us, and the other half thinks this is something that I don't even know about: ghosts in the building.

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