Chapter 33: A Man and a Monster

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Erik's POV

The two of us ransacked our home as we gathered clothes, food, money, and supplies in order for us to move. That crash from across the lake made us work faster as that only meant one thing:

Someone had found the entrance to my lair.

We swiftly went from room to room as I soon gathered together some of our clothes and two of my masks, placing one over my face and placing the other one inside the bag with the rest of our belongings.

"Angel, open the safe and gather everything that you see." I said, handing her an empty bag. She nodded as I continued to gather supplies such as medicine, bandages, ointment, and the like in one bag and then placing food like bread, cheese, fruit, and a canteen full of water in another bag.

Evangeline came back a few minutes later, the sack full of everything that was in the safe as well as some personal belongings such as my drawings and music as well as her two favorite books and the King James Bible she read everyday.

With everything packed and ready for transport, I put on my cape and hat to shield my identity while she put on her hooded cloak and grabbed all the bags.

But as we turned for the main exit, we heard the thundering sound of footsteps rushing towards where we stood.

I grabbed Evangeline's hand and led her to the secret room that I hid in the first time a mob made its way down here.

"What're you doing?" She whispered as she noticed that I wasn't joining her.

"Shh, mon cœur. I love you too much to see you harmed. Whatever happens, no matter what you hear, stay inside this room and do not make a sound until I come back."

With that, I kissed her on the lips before replacing the curtain that hid her and the room from view. With my hand wandering to the inside of my waistcoat, I felt the familiar fabric that belonged to my Punjab Lasso, my uneasiness slightly diminishing as I knew that I wasn't facing this threat unarmed.

"Erik? Erik are you here?" I suddenly hear a familiar voice.


As if by magic, the man in question appeared before me, a worried expression on his face.

"Erik, what happened? Why are the gendarmes marching toward the Opera House?"

I didn't have time to waste words. Instead, I dragged him over to where Evangeline hid.

"Mademoiselle McKenna? What is going on here?"

A look of horror morphed over his face.

"Don't tell me that you had taken her against her will!"

"No he didn't. The two of us are in love." My beloved told him.

He just stood there dumbfounded.

"You love him? Even with his face?"


Nadir stood in silence. I quickly became irritated.

"Daroga, if you don't mind, please stop standing there like a useless mannequin and help us leave this place."

With that, Evangeline handed the two of us some of the bags and we turned to leave.

"Where are we gonna go?" Evangeline asked as she picked up a bag to carry.

"I don't know, my love, but we can't stay here."

She sighed but nodded as we made our way towards the exit. But just as we were about to leave, I heard the sound of an angry mob marching towards my lair.

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