6. To the Suspicious City

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(Fifteen's POV)

We went to Croatia's seafront city located in, well, near the sea. We are in Pula, a nice city that Eleven told me, has alien activity. How she knew, she never told me. My best guess is in her dream. Like I said, Eleven is nervous about almost everything. Probably, she sensed the danger in the city

We pass through cities, ruins, and then the coast through our stolen car.

"In Philippines, Pula means red," Eleven says.

"Really?" I say. "I wonder how this city was named..."

We came into a part of the city were there are less houses. It's more like a small town, almost at the border of Pula's city. We came across few people. But they seem to have unfriendly ambience whenever we try to approach them to ask for directions.

So we decided to stop in a police station. A cop came out from their building, just in time for us to ask.

"Excuse us, officer. We're kinda lost here, can you tell us a place were we can stay?"

The officer eye us wearily. "It's not far from here, Miss. Just blocks away. Zarcon Lodge?"

"Thank you."

We are about to leave when he suddenly stop us. "Wait, you're tourists?"

Eleven and I exchange looks. "Yes, yes we are."

"Just be careful then. We don't want people... You know, reporting mysterious cases."

What does he mean?

"Officer Furlan, by the way," he shakes our hands.

"Oh, I'm Delilah and this is my sister..." I start, but I forgot what to call her.

"Alicia," she spoke.

Officer Furlan smiled. "Welcome to Pula." He raise his cop hat and left.

Eleven and I sigh. "That was close. And he's really weird."

"And awkward," Eleven laughs.

We go straigh to that Zarcon Lodge until we see it. So we enter the lodge and check in for a room once again. But we did not stay there yet. We just left our things in the room and we go for a walk around the small town.

"Look at that," I point at the houses. "The houses are closing whenever we walk pass by."

"I told you something is up in here."

"Something to do with the Mogadorians."

Eleven flinch. "Do you think Twelve is here?"

I shrug. "Let's hope."

We pass into some children playing outside. They were speaking in their language so I can't understand them. Once Eleven and I pass them, they stop playing and stare at us.

To be honest, they're scary.

"They're creeping me out, Fifteen," Eleven whispered.

"I know, me too."

Whatever place we just came into, we need to find out what's going on. Eleven is right, this is unusual. But somehow, we need to hurry. Whether Twelve is here or not, we must know. Because we are dying to know where the hell is he.

The Return of Twelve (A Lorien Legacies Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora