Chapter 22: The Party

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Tessa's POV

I got dressed in the same dress Jamie bought for me. I let my blonde hair loose and applied some eye liner and some accidentally went in my eye which burned. I wore dark blue heels and that was my outfit. I slipped on a sweater because I didn't really know what my family will actually say about the tattoo. What if they argue with me because they don't really like tattoos but what if they don't really care? I left home my phone since my dress had no pockets. I walked down the stairs and sat on the couch next to Josh who was watching television. I should test Josh and see his expression then decide when to tell mom.

"Josh?" I said and Josh looked at me and I pulled up the sleeve of the jacket and showed him the tattoo. His mouth opened wide and looked at me in shock. Ok, so my plan is to let mom find out on her own.

"Aren't you a doctor? Doctors say tattoos aren't good and yet, you are a doctor and still got a tattoo?"

I shrugged. "So what?" Then I heard Jamie's horn.

"Hey, mom won't be home tonight, she's going by Aunt Lydia," he added before I walked out the door.  I nodded. I got in Jamie's car and he drove off. Jamie was in a white shirt and jeans with a converse. His hair the same way like in City Of Bones. This just made him look super sexy.

"Hey, babe," he said.

"Hey," I replied and took off my sweater.

"Have you told them?" he asked.

"Just Josh," I sighed and looked out the window. The streets were vacant and the night was dark. Jamie pulled up in front of a studio and we got out of the car. We walked into the studio and closed the door behind us. There were a lot of people at the party. The lights were off and you know those lights they have in clubs? They had that and the music was loud. My heart skipped a beat, when I saw Robert Sheehan. He's my celebrity crush, to be honest. When I saw him in Summer of The Flying Saucer, that's when he became my celebrity crush.

"Hey, Rob," Jamie said and Robert came over to us. "Rob, this is my girlfriend, Tessa." Robert smiled at me.

"Hi, Tessa," Rob said. My jaw dropped open and I stayed still. I was meeting the Robert Sheehan. I wanted to faint. I should have gotten used to meeting celebrities but it never gets old. I stood there looking at Robert Sheehan for a while.

"Tessa...?" Jamie asked and I held out my hand and Robert shook my hand.

"Hi, Robert," I said.

"Jamie is right, you are beautiful. Hold on to her, Jamie," he winked at Jamie and walked over to the bar.

"Tessa, are you okay?" Jamie asked. "Are you scared of Rob?"

"What? No! I now met the guy. I was just..." My voice trailed off. I couldn't tell my boyfriend that his co-star is my celebrity crush. I mean it's not like I would date Robert Sheehan or want to date him but it would make a guy uncomfortable to hear his girlfriend's celebrity crush. Jamie was about to say something when Lily came over to us. She hugged Jamie and I.

"Come on, Tessa, let's go meet some actors," she said and grabbed my hand, leading me into the crowd. I looked back at Jamie and saw him smiling at me.

"So have you met your celebrity crush?" she smirked. I playfully smacked her arm and told her what happened. "I told Robert to go meet you and that he's your celebrity crush." I rolled my eyes playfully at her. "Let's go meet Kevin." The music was loud so we had to shout in order to hear each other.

"Kevin," Lily said. "This is my friend, Tessa, the one I told you about." Wow, she told everyone about me.

"Hello, Tessa, it's a pleasure meeting you," Kevin said, shaking my hand.

"Oh trust me the pleasure is mine," I chuckled causing him to laugh. Then a group of people called him and he excused himself and left. "Let's go get a drink," I said to Lily and we went over to the bar. We had to push our way through the crowd. It was pretty dark so you couldn't really make out anyone's face. We sat on a stool and waited for the barman to attend to us.

"What would I get these two lovely ladies?" the bartender asked and my jaw dropped when I saw who it was. Oh my god! It was Godfrey Gao! "Close your mouth wouldn't want a fly in there now would you?" I closed my mouth quickly.

"Sorry, she's a little star struck," Lily apologised on my behalf.

"Isn't that Jamie's girlfriend?" Godfrey asked. "And your good friend? Shouldn't she be used  to seeing actors?"

"Not really," Lily shrugged.

"Hello, Tessa," Godfrey said.

"Hi, Godfrey," I said with a smile.

"Jamie got himself a good one," Godfrey said to Lily then asked for our orders.

"I'd like a shot of Tequila, please," I said.

"The same," Lily said and some minutes later Godfrey came back with two shots of tequila.


3 Hours Later

Jamie and I stumbled to his car and got in. We were really drunk from the party. Jamie drove okay, I think, I couldn't really see clearly though. Jamie pulled up at some house and we got out. We stumbled into the house.

"No one's home," he said with a crooked smile and I smiled. I couldn't really see clearly but I kissed him.

Author's Note: How was the chapter. I'm not getting as much reads and votes as I used to get. Please vote and comment. Thanks for reading! :)


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