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Days later Simon was again pushing a shopping cart down the aisles of the supermarket. He was tired of the proteins from dead animals. They’d eaten a lot lately so he wandered the aisles hoping to be struck with inspiration. Work had been particularly stressful and he just couldn’t seem to make up his mind.

He walked into the produce section after deciding he would prepare a vegetarian meal for himself and Augusta. He stopped before the table the held a variety of squash. Picking through the selection he decided on butternut squash. Simon bagged three of the nicer ones then started to step away from the table. As he turned he was nearly hit in the chest with a box. Surprised, Simon took a step back and as he did fell when he managed to trip on his own feet. He landed hard and cursed loudly as the pain ricocheted through his buttocks and tailbone.

Simon looked up into the bored brown eyes of the same blue-shirted young man that failed to be of any help on his last visit. “What the hell is your problem you little shit?!”

The young man opened his mouth as if to respond but was interrupted when a man whose name tag said he was the produce manager moved him out of the way as he bent to assist Simon. “Are you alright sir?”

“Do I look alright?” Simon snapped out as he allowed the blond haired man to help him to his feet. “This miscreant knocked me over and hasn’t had the decency to apologize!”

The produce manager rubbed at his greying temples as if her were trying to alleviate pain. “Damon apologize to the man, please.”

Simon looked from the temples of the manager to the blue-shirted youngster he now knew was named Damon. He watched as the lids of his eyes shut slowly then flicked open, the now familiar bored browns stared into him.


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