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“Who did what?”

“That new guy that stocks shelves at the supermarket, David or Daniel- the young one, I forget what his name is. He asked me out; wanted to get a drink,” Augusta giggled. “I told him I was faltered but that I’m quite happy with my husband.”

Simon watched her as she washed lettuce for the salad. A muscle twitched in his jaw.


Simon was distracted. He knew he shouldn’t be, not with her looking like she did. Before him with her back facing him, sat Augusta beautifully displayed after having been bound by his knots.

He’d had a fascination with rope and knots since a childhood field trip aboard a replica pirate schooner. In high school he discovered the Japanese art of rope binding called shibari. He took to it quickly and it was not long before he mastered some of the more complicated ways of binding. When sex became a part of his world his love of binding followed; making the rope and knots even more artistic when pulled and pushed against the flesh of a lover.

Public displays of shibari became private sessions of kinbaku,

“Simon? Si darling, are you alright?”

Simon blinked several times as he brought his attention back to his wife, “yes I’m fine Augie.” He kissed her shoulder and ran a hand over some of the knots that crisscrossed her back. “I was just distracted by the contrast of your beautiful dark skin and the bright white rope. You look so amazing.”

“Three years ago I was fortunate to have found you Si. Those in my past did not share my love of being bound and only made half-hearted attempts to satisfy this need. Thank you darling for understanding and loving me- even the kinky parts.” Augusta said as she looked over her shoulder at her husband.

Simon smiled then ran his tongue along the column of her neck.

There was little sleep for either that night.

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