6 | An Untimely Encounter

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Chapter 6 – An Untimely Encounter

"I love how the three o'clock bell turns lumbering zombies into marathon runners," Diane chuckled as they walked out the front doors of Edgewood High. "It's like magic, huh?"

Melissa looked down quietly. If only her friend knew how blissfully ignorant her statement was.

They walked down the front stairs and out onto the tarmac, taking the walkway to the left that led to the parking lot, as they always used to when they still hung out after school. Or, as they were now, as it turned out. After the heart-to-heart they'd had that night, things had slowly begun to feel like old times again, for which Melissa was insurmountably grateful for; she needed at least one point of normalcy in her life right now.

Even as they traversed the parking lot in search of Travis' car, which was her daily ride home from school, she made sure not to look around as she walked. She didn't want to risk glancing at the Edge-woods – not even out of the corner of her eye.

Four days. It had been four days since Cameron had been on her roof, at her window like an ominous ghost, with his keen, gray eyes and his fair skin against the black of night. After that, she hadn't seen him. In fact, she hadn't seen any of the Blake Brothers – which was what she was officially calling them now, even though it sounded like the name of an indie rock band – as they seemed to never come out of the house.

Of course, she had considered going over next door; surely they had to be home at some point. However she couldn't bring herself to walk up their front stairs and knock on their door, despite how much she itched to know more, about witchcraft and her not knowing about it, and about the brothers' connection to her parents, and despite even how much, deny as she might, she needed to see Cameron.

But his voice still rang in her ears. His face still circled her thoughts.

"You still here?"

Melissa blinked a few times, Diane's perplexed, brown eyes, and the rest of her face, coming back into focus. She nodded, smiling. "Yeah, I'm here."

Di frowned, and shook her head. "Well, Travis isn't here yet. I'll totally wait with you, as long as you give me at least a half-mile warning when you see him and his chums on the horizon."

Melissa laughed, giving a shrug. "I'll be sure to let you know. They're not all bad, though, once you get over their general moronic tendencies and their inability to-"


She stood motionless. The voice had grown to become so easily recognizable, but somehow it still took her by surprise every time she heard it. She slowly turned around to see Cameron, eyes focused and hair slightly windswept. He still wore his black jeans, but had now paired them with a black leather jacket that was zipped up halfway, over a white t-shirt that teased slightly at the lean muscle that rested underneath.

"You're here," she muttered, knowing she sounded absolutely redundant.

"Yeah," he replied with his signature half-smile. He slipped a hand into his pocket. "I would've been sooner, but I figured you needed a little space."

She cleared her throat, looking down at her feet. "That was... considerate of you." She looked back up at him, and found herself gazing endlessly into his eyes, enchanted by their beauty. It was as if they drew her in, enveloping her in an ashen mist and reaching into the deepest parts of her soul, awakening desires that-

"Hey there, confused third wheel standing by," Diane suddenly laughed awkwardly, breaking the reverie that Melissa had fallen into. "I'm gonna go out on a limb here and assume that you're the famous Cameron."

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