15 | Glass Houses and Fated Hearts

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Chapter 15 – Glass House and Fated Hearts

Melissa gasped, staring blankly at her friend. She shook her head slowly. She could not believe she had been so irresponsible. Diane had seen her doing magic, and she was going to freak out. She paused for a moment, trying to remain calm. Maybe the situation was still salvageable.

"What are you talking about, Di?"

By now, Landon had removed his hands from her ears. She looked at Melissa with wide eyes, and then looked at the table, pointing shakily. "Her hand, it... It was... You made her hand..."

Nope, all hope was lost. She turned helplessly to Landon, who had an equally feeble expression. He grabbed Diane's hand and held it in his. "Relax, Di, stay calm. This is nothing to be afraid of."

Anson was busy rummaging through his bag. Melissa stared at him in incredulity, and poked him on the arm. "What are you looking for, a pamphlet? Is there even anything in there that has a remote chance of helping this situation?"

He held up his finger, much to her aggravation, and then returned to his rummaging. Eventually, while Landon was spinning a highly unbelievable story about food poisoning, Anson pulled out a little vial filled with a purple substance. "Yes, in fact, there is," he replied in annoyance to Melissa. He held up the vial to Landon. "Give her this."

Melissa glanced around nervously, wondering how on earth nobody was even noticing what was going on. She turned back to Diane, who was still frighteningly pale. "Y-Yeah, Diane, drink up. It'll help you relax. Trust me, it's completely safe." She looked to Anson quickly. "It is completely safe, right?"

He only rolled his eyes. With a little bit of Landon's encouragement, Diane managed to open the vial and toss it back, grimacing as she did. But as soon as it went down her throat, she spaced out. She dropped the vial, and her face acquired a blank, vacant stare. Anson rested his arm on the table and discreetly held out his fingers. His sharp emeralds were keenly trained on Diane's dilated brown eyes.

"Tu non memento quid vos visa," he mumbled quickly, his fingers drumming rhythmically in the air. He then closed up his bag and shoved it back underneath his chair. "She'll be back in a few seconds, and she won't remember a thing."

Landon and Melissa both turned to him with stunned expressions. He just shrugged with a disinterested face. "What? She was bound to screw up at some point, so I made a memory loss potion." He turned his attention to her. "But don't go thinking we can just go around scrambling the brains of every poor soul you do magic in front of. Memory spells done improperly, or too many times, can cause all kinds of damage."

Melissa suddenly remembered him brewing some kind of purple liquid in their basement while Landon was training her. She rolled her eyes, preparing to retort with something sarcastic, when Diane's face jumped back to life. She blinked a few times, and shook her head. "Geez, I think I went somewhere else for a moment there. What was I saying?"

"Uh... you were saying that you had to get to a student council meeting," Landon replied quickly, picking up her bag and thrusting it at her. He lifted her up from her chair. "But Melissa isn't coming 'cause she's really sad. But don't worry, she's here with us."

Diane frowned. "Okay, I guess... I'll see you later then, Mel."

"See ya," she replied quickly, with a faint smile, and watched her confused friend walk away from the table. She lowered her brows at Landon. "Subtle."

He grinned and shrugged. "Well, that is my specialty."

She rolled her eyes and looked back at the doorway of the cafeteria to check if Diane was still fine. But as she did, she saw her greeting Cameron, who was on his way in. As they said they're goodbyes, his eyes landed on Melissa. Even now, she was still transfixed by his gaze.

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