|46| Mission Get Back Anishka

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The realisation that Anishka loved him back like he did boosted Virag's spirits by two-fold. Now he had a reason to fight for her, to fight for their love. Virag promised himself that once he would meet Anishka, he will get her back. If he will have to beg also, he will do that.

Ritika wasn't sure at first if Virag should tell Anishka's parents, her brothers and their friends about her leaving the house, but, Virag explained it to her her that all of them had the right to know about it.

Virag called all of them to their house. He decided to break the news before them altogether. Rohan and Vivek were the ones to reach first, followed by her parents, Virag's mom and also his brother and sister-in-law and Shruti and Ashleesha.

Before Virag could even begin, Rohan interrupted him.
"Vir, where's Anishka?" He  questioned Virag.

Virag gulped in fear. Her brothers aka his two best friends are surely going to be the death of him.

"She's.. n-not he-here." Virag stuttered.

Vivek frowned with suspicion hearing Virag stutter. Something was surely not going right 

"Vir are you trying to hide something?" Vivek questioned.

Virag let out a shaky breathe. He closed his eyes for a second before answering his question. He was afraid of how they were going to react.

As he opened his eyes, he could see all of them looking at him curiously.

"Anishka is not here." Virag said.

"Has she gone out for shopping?"
"Is she in the office?"
"Is she out with Ritika?"
And many other guesses flowed in. However, none of them could make the correct guess.

"No. She has left me. And our home." Virag said in almost a whisper.

All of them heard what he said but none of them could believe it. The news of Anishka leaving Virag was a total shocker for them.

"You're joking right?" It was Anishka's mom. She knew that Virag was not someone who kept on cracking jokes. Even if he did, he wouldn't joke about a serious matter like this atleast. But, even after knowing all of this, she was finding it hard to believe it.

"No mom I am not. You know that I will not." Virag said. He understood her situation totally. It will be difficult for any mother to hear something like this about her only child. Yet, he expected that she will understand him. She took him as her own son after all.

Anishka's mom didn't say a word. She simply stood up from the sofa she was sitting on and rushed to Virag. She then engulfed him in a hug.

Virag was shocked at first. It took him half a minute to hug her back.

Virag cried on her embrace. It was the first time that he cried after Ritika had left him. But this time, there was a difference.

Last time he had cried because he lost his love. This time, he was crying because he has finally found his true love in the form Anishka.

Virag was trying hard to control his emotions at bay beforehand. But, the moment Anishka's mom hugged him, he lost it. He lost his control and cried.

He felt as if through that hug she was trying to reassure him that everything was going to be alright.

Surprisingly, everyone else did the same. It had become a big family hug now.

As for Vivek and Rohan, they somehow knew that a situation like this would have arised inthe lives of their sister and best friend. But, they were happy that it happened now; in a time like this when the two of them have already realised their love for each other.

The only thing that they will have to do now is  to make Anishka realise that Virag loves her back.

Virag told all of them in detail about how Anishka misunderstood Virag's concern for Ritika as love and also how she heard only half of Virag and Ritika's conversation that day and misunderstood everything.

Everyone listened patiently to what Virag had to say. They knew how difficult it must exactly be for Virag now. His wife had gone missing and here he was explaining things before his family about what were the circumstances that led to it.

"Vir jiju, you do not have to explain anything. We understand that it was something which was bound to happen. The good thing is that you've understood your love for her. She did too. But what we've to do now is to make her realise that you love her as much as she does if not more." Shruti spoke.

Everyone nodded. They agreed with what Shruti said.

Virag smiled. He thanked his stars for having them as his family.

It was so foolish of him to think that they will not understand him. 

"So what's going to be the next move? How are we going to track down Anishka?" Virag's brother asked.

"We cannot call or text her. Her phone is switched off." Ritika said.

"She must not have gone to any of her friends' home too. She doesn't have anyone other than us." Ashleesha piped in.

All of them put in their suggestions but none of those seemed to work. There was something that they were missing on.

Virag thought about it hard but he was not able to point it out.

"Anishka loves snow." Ashleesha said. It was a mere statement that she had made. She didn't say it to anyone particularly.

But, all of them heard her and everyone's eyes were fixated on her now. All of them had a confused expression on their faces except for Virag.

It hit him hard. If he was not wrong, maybe he knows about Anishka's whereabouts now.

All thanks to Ashleesha's sudden remark of course. Unintentionally, she helped Virag with it.

At that moment, Virag let go off all the hard feelings he had harboured against Ashleesha.  Though, she was the one who had tried to create misunderstandings in between them at first, now she's the one to have helped him now.

"Guysssss! Maybe I know where she has headed to." Virag said loudly while trying to get everyone's attention.

"Snow World." Anishka's dad said while surprising Virag and everyone else too.

Virag was not the only one who knew Anishka so well. She was her daddy's princess before being his queen.

Virag smiled and nodded.

"How can you two be so sure of that?" Anishka's mom asked.

"I and Ritika have already checked the bus station, railway station and the airport. There is no sign of Anishka there. I believe that Anishka is smart enough not to leave from here. Not in this situation atleast." Virag said.

"And, do you remember about that incident when Anishka was a thirteen years old kid? You had scolded her for something because of which she left home and went to Snow World. It had taken us twelve long hours back then to find her." Anishka's dad said to his wife.

"But why do you think it is Snow World instead of all the other places?" Rohan asked.

"Anishka loves snow." Virag and Anishka's dad said it together.

Everyone smiled.

"Let us begin the Mission Get Back Anishka then." Vivek said dramatically.

Everybody agreed.

"Hold on till I come Anishka." Virag prayed before getting into his car. He then drove off in his car to Snow World. All the others followed him.

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