Chapter Six

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I'm bored," I complained, my head leaning against the window

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I'm bored," I complained, my head leaning against the window.

Not only was I bored, but I was angry, confused, conflicted, and filled with a strong desire to light something on fire.

"We could talk?" The guy spoke from the front seat.

Talk? About what?

"Talk?" I made a face. "About what?"

He shrugged. "I don't know. Never mind. Stupid idea."

I was quiet again. And I was almost out of threats.

"So... um..." He tried. "Do you want some gum?"

"Only if you eat first."

"Can I just come out and say something?" He suddenly said.

"Ummmm, sure?" I answered, making it sound more like a question.

"I think you're really pretty," He said.

I rolled my eyes up into my head and let it fall back against the car seat. "Please tell me thats not why you kidnapped me."

"No," He said defensively. Then paused. "Not entirely," He amended.

What kind of mind-trick was he trying to pull?

I frowned. "Um, thanks."

"You're welcome," He smiled. "Do you, I don't know, think anything about me?"

I thought about insulting him, but decided to not get in even more trouble.

"I guess your head is a decent size," I offered.

"Why thank you!" He beamed. "I get that a lot."

He was confusing. And I'm not sure I like confusing people.

I rested my head back on the door, watching buildings pass as we continued driving.

"So, where are we going?" I questioned.

"Somewhere," He answered.

I scowled. "Your attitude is getting old."

"What are you talking about?"

"Why don't you just tell me something?"

"I can't!"

"Why the hell not?!"


"That's not an answer!"

"It is my MY book!"

"Then that book must suck!"

"YOU suck!"





I scoffed. "THINK? I KNOW!"

He groaned out loud in frustration, but didn't respond. Even he couldn't argue with that one.

We pulled in front of a large looking house in a normal-looking neighborhood, on the outskirts of the city.

But the weird part was, no one was around. Well, except for this old lady with a cane. And it was a city.


"I'm pulling over," He spoke, slowing the car and pulling to the side. "No funny business."

"It'd be a waste of time anyway," I muttered. "You don't seem to have much of a sense of humor."

If he heard me, he gave no indication of it.

He stopped the car and pulled out his keys as I readied myself for battle.

I pulled out my pepper spray and hid it behind my back, and as soon as he opened the door, I looked at him and said, "I'm sorry."

He raised an eyebrow. "For what?"


And with that I brought the spray out and pushed down on it as fast as possible, and he immediately cried out, trying in vain to shield his eyes.

"Now outta my way!" I yelled, and shoved him back.

He made a weird nose, and I began to run.

"HEEELLLPP!" I shouted, speeding down the sidewalk. "I NEED SOME SERIOUS HELP OVER HERE!"

The old lady stopped her hobbling to stare.

"BE QUIET!" The guy yelled, lunging after me.

He latched onto my arm, and then caught sight of something on my wrist.

Oh shoot! My iwatch was on the whole time! I am such an idiot.

But, before I could do anything, he grabbed the watch, threw it on the ground, and brought his foot down on top of it, shattering the glass and breaking it into bits.

I gaped down at what was once my birthday present.

Oh. No. He. Didn't.


I broke off by swinging my fist into his nose.

He stumbled back a few steps, and my knuckles erupted into pain. But I was done with this guy's nerve!

As he shouted in pain, the old lady cheered.

"Yeah! Get him!" She yelled, waving her cane at us.

I then kneed him between the legs, and he fell to the ground.

"Kick his stomach!" She yelled.

I swung my foot into his gut, and he groaned.

"Again!" The old lady cheered.

However, this time he caught my foot mid-swing and jerked me down on top of him.

"AAAHHH!" I said, falling on top of him. He rolled us around so that I was now under him, and the old lady didn't like this.

"Booooo!" She complained, and threw a butterscotch at him.

It hit the guy right in the eye, and while he was distracted, I kicked his body off of me and pulled myself to my feet.

But before I could take off again, he grabbed my waist and began dragging me towards the door to the house.

"Don't make me come over there are paddle your behind with my cane!" The lady threatened.

"Shut up, you old hag!" He yelled back.

The guy opened the door and pushed me inside the house before turning toward her and yelling, "See you next week at Mom's, Grandma!"

My jaw dropped. Grandma?!

"You listen here, Jacob!" She shouted back. "When your mother hears about this-"

But the door was slammed shut, cutting off both the old lady's threats and my connection to the outside.

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