Chapter Forty Five

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I woke up the next morning with a note on my bedside table

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I woke up the next morning with a note on my bedside table.

I rubbed my eyes sleepily and picked it up, trying to make sense of the messy scrawl.

Downstairs in five. You'll need some serious training in the art of werewolf fighting.

"This," I spoke aloud, "Is the most STUPID-sounding thing I have ever read."

But nevertheless, I was downstairs in five.

I wasn't sure why we were going to battle it out in the living room, but thankfully Carson was waiting for me in their spacious backyard.

I walked outside while Carson sat cross-legged in the middle of the lawn with his eyes closed.

His blonde hair fanned out across his forehead in a messy, 'I just woke up' kind of way.

He was wearing a fitting under armor shirt, hugging the curves of his abs and biceps, and I was incredibly distracted by it.

Shaking my head to clear it, I walked over to him.

"Are you... meditating?" I said, coming closer.

"Nope," He responded with his eyes still closed. "Just tired." He popped an eye open and assessed me.

I gave a bright smile, and he frowned. "What are you wearing?"

I looked down at my pajama shorts and tank too. I had found a stash of clothes under bed, and decided to wear these at night. "My pajamas?"

He shook his head slightly, as if trying to empty his mind too. "Whatever. It's time to learn."

He stood up and got into what looked like a fighting stance that I immediately tried to copy.

I spread my legs wide, and brought my fists up in front of my face.

"For the record, I just wanted to say that this plan sucks," I said, as he went over to correct some of my posture.

As he moved my hands a little, he said, "Come on, Hayley. Be positive!"

"I am positive," I said. "I'm positive this idea sucks."

He laughed lightly and stood back.

Once he decided that my stance was good enough, he said, "Alright, now hit me."

Immediately I broke out of the stance.

"What?" I hissed, "Are you crazy?"

"Of course!" He winked. "Just try it."

I narrowed my eyes at him, and went to punch his face, but at the last minute faked and went for his gut.

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