Chapter 13 : Hints

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No matter how many times I tossed and turned, I couldn't fall back asleep. Every single time I tried to close my eyes, lifeless ones stared back so when it was almost time to get up for work, I simply got dressed and went downstairs.

The kitchen was empty and I felt a small smile on my face. It amused me that I had beaten the early bird in terms of waking up because this never happens, ever. Even when we were kids, he would always beat me at waking up even when I had put five alarms two minutes apart from one another to shock me awake.

I looked around the kitchen and in the fridge, pulling out the things I needed to make a simple breakfast. Since I was up early with nothing to do, I took it upon myself to make Alexander and I breakfast. Besides, I needed to bribe him to keep what happened last night, or more specifically this morning a secret, and also no one needed to know about my scarred back.

As I almost finished frying the eggs and bacon, I heard soft footfalls approach me from behind.

"I made breakfast, Red." I stated without turning around to look at him. "About what happened, can we just keep it between the two of us because- "

Suddenly, I felt his hands on my hips. I turned my head around to face him, completely confused, only to notice that he was standing extremely close to me.

"Get out of my personal bubble." I narrowed my eyes at him unfriendlily, but he leaned in closer and planted a quick, soft kiss on my lips.

Then in the blink of an eye, he stepped back and started to get the plates for breakfast.

At this point, the table was set and pieces of bread were already on each of our plates. I placed an egg on each and split up the pieces of bacon, wondering why he was suddenly being so oddly nice.

"Is this your way of seducing me so that I lose the bet?" I raised a brow at him as I sat down and saw that Alexander was already seated and staring back at me.

He looked like he was contemplating something for a moment before his lips tilted up the slightest bit. "Sounds like a great idea."

I rolled my eyes and scoffed. "It's not going to work. I am perfectly immune."

As if he saw something interesting revealed in my eyes, he let out a deep chuckle. "We'll see, Angel."

Alexander finished eating before I did so he placed his utensils and plate in the sink. When I had my guard down, I felt a quick peck on my cheek and heard him whisper close to my ear.

"Leave them in the sink, I'll do it." His breath fanned over my neck and an involuntary shiver ran up my spine.

Clenching my jaw tight, I was about to swat him away, but he had already stepped out of my arm's reach. I saw a mischievous glint in his eyes before he turned away and went back upstairs.

He was smug and I could feel it radiating off him.


I was early this time and I sat in the car waiting for him.

Alexander got in a few seconds later, but he didn't start the car.

My eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. "Aren't we going?"

He turned and held my gaze. The worry and concern in his eyes for me my well-being made me understand what he was asking.

I nodded. "I'm good, Red. Ready to meet him so, let's go."

He looked at me for a me few more moments, as if trying to read me, then while clenching his jaw, he started the car and we headed out of the garage.

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