Chapter 32 : Stolen

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I said I would update twice this week, so here it is. Enjoy :)


I had the USB safely tucked into the waistband of my maxi skirt as we all made our way upstairs by elevator. As we arrived at the front lobby area, Estelle stood there with what looks to be like a mini army of agents. All four of us stood in front of them face to face, just a few feet away. Phoenix's employees and other agents started to gather around us with hostility towards the unknown group of people that entered.

"Agent Blades." She looked at Alexander haughtily then as her eyes landed on me, she sneered. "Vita."

I rolled my eyes and Estelle stepped forwards as if she wanted to return the punches I gave her yesterday.

She lifted a piece of paper straight towards both Alexander and I. "Warrant. You know what I'm here for." She mainly looked at Alexander while she talked, acting as if the rest of us didn't matter.

Alexander took the piece of paper to read it.

"Begged your father?" I raised an eyebrow as I leaned back into my wheelchair and crossed my arms across my chest.

She narrowed her eyes at me, but quickly went back to looking at Alexander and I did the same.

Alexander clenched his hands and paper crumpled under his tight fists as he lifted his eyes from the paper to glare icily at Estelle. I touched his fist and when he loosened his hold slightly, I took the piece of paper from his hands.

"Done looking?" Estelle looked so content that it pissed me off. "You guys can start searching," she called out loudly with a smug smile on her face and the people that she came with started to move.

"Wait," I shouted as I used the armrests of the wheelchair to stand up.

I walked closer to her until we were toe to toe, chest to chest.

"Do you know what is on that drive?" I questioned her with narrowed eyes and unrestrained hostility.

She sighed in annoyance as she met my gaze. "The information-"

"No," I interrupted her firmly. "It's not just information. Do you even know the value of life?"

She looked like she was clenching her teeth. "Hand. Me. The. USB." She growled out at me.

"You don't deserve the power you'll have over the precious lives on it. You definitely don't deserve whatever position you are in right now after what you told me yesterday. No soldier, nor the agents that passed away protecting the USB are worthless or useless." I stared at her fiercely as I continued to keep my hands to myself. "Actually, I take that back. Perhaps you are. Relying on your daddy to give you a title and begging him to clean after your carelessness."

"Take that back," She said as she reached underneath her blazer.

"Why should I? Isn't it the truth, CIA Agent Kage?" I spat out in disgust.

"Search this place, now!" She shouted and everyone started to move.

It was chaos. Estelle's people started shoving through to start their search while Phoenix's employees tried to hold them back. Both sides were pushing and shoving, not yet escalating to the point where people were punching and kicking, but that may happen sooner rather than later at the rate this was going.

"Stop." Alexander raised his voice slightly and everyone froze, even me. "Vita."

I turned my neck to look at him and he simply nodded. Disbelief and betrayal were what I felt because I knew what that nod meant. He wanted me to give the USB to Estelle.

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