Chapter ten

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I have a pupil free day today so I decided to update. Just giving you a heads up I had been dancing non-stop over the past two days so I'm really tired and I may not of editted all of it so if you see any major mistakes just tell me. Thank you everyone for you support and I really hope you like this chapter

Chapter Ten

Waking up the next morning to find Isaac there on his stomach and facing away from me seemed really odd. How the hell did he get into the bed? I would have noticed. This was the first time I had actually seen him without a shirt on. I would have always gone to sleep before he would have arrived or he would have fallen asleep in his suit.

Before I even realised my hand was reaching over and tracing the marks on his back. The small scars told a story unknown to me but very clear to him. Suddenly he shifted and I yanked my hand back.

He settled down again and I studied the small hairs that grew from his head. Although he may appear to look bald from a distance his hair was just cut short and suited his personality perfectly. It was a dark colour. Almost black but every close to brown. I sighed and laid my head back down on the pillow.

“Perhaps staring at me is a bad idea.” I heard him grumble and I froze. “It seems to be turning me on.” He rolled over and stared me directly in the eyes. As I started to move backwards he growled and pulled me back towards him. My hands started to shove at his shoulders as I tried to escape.

“Let go of me.” I begged but his hand had moved down to my thigh and wrapped it around his waist.

“You are my mate.” He growled at me. “I am your alpha and you will respect me.” The chocolate colour eyes were quickly fading to a black as i continued to struggle in his arms. He was now glaring at me and he was suddenly throwing me back. He threw the covers back and stood up looking at me. I clutched the blanket close to my chest as I saw his wolf trying to break free. His body was shaking and he had only a single thread of control.

Then it broke. Fur started to grow from his back and he was collapsing onto his four paws. His wolf was out of control and he turned to me. The look in his eyes told me he was ready to kill but it was quickly gone by something and he threw back his head and howled before launching himself into the wooden door of the bedroom and running down the hall.

Unwrapping myself from the sheets I walked over to where the door would of stood. I saw Kent look around at the damage before turning his head to me. “Are you alright?” I nodded my head lightly before stepping over the destroyed door. Naomi waddled over to me and hugged me.

“Are you okay?” She asked me and I nodded. “What happened?”

“He’s so… Infuriating.” My hands went to my head and I groaned. “I just… I hate him.” I told and her face softened.

“You don’t hate him-“

“I do. He’s a jerk and I want to go home.” I traced the claw marks in the wall next to me and Naomi rubbed my arm once more before letting me go and going to get changed. I left as well and grabbed some clothes out of the closet before heading into the bathroom to be somewhere more private.

Putting the toilet cover down I began to think. Perhaps I should just leave. Being here isn’t really helping anything but getting me in more trouble and getting hurt by my own mate over and over again. I wrapped my arms around myself and rested my head on my knees in deep through.

I pulled on the clothes I had chosen and headed back inside the bedroom. The sound of grumbling maids already filled the corridor and I looked to see what they were doing. Most of them were studying the damage while others tried to pick up the glass from smashed pictures. I silently walked past them and down the stairs.

My plan is to leave without being noticed by anyone. So far so good. I jogged down the second set of stairs and towards the front door. Glancing behind me one more time to make sure I wasn’t being followed I stepped out into the open air and breathed a sigh of relief.


Isaac’s POV

My foot crashed down onto the tree leaving a large dent in it and I grabbed a stick from the ground before throwing it into the distance until it was out of my sight. I slumped down onto a nearby fallen log and groaned.

The sound of footsteps made my head snap up to see Kent’s appearing from behind a large bush. “What is it?” I growled to him “Is it rogues? If not bugger off.” Kent sighed and shook his head before sitting down next to me.

We sat in silence for a while before Kent cleared his throat and looked at me “You really messed up.” He told me and I looked down at the floor.

“As if I don’t already know that. We’re just so different. I wanted an outgoing mate who was sexy and everything a man would want but I got Lauren who-“

“Do you really think that you would get what you wanted?” He asked me and I stared at him for a moment. “Naomi was nothing like I wanted her to be. I wanted a quiet mate who can lash out when she’s angry but will still be under my control. Mates are supposed to be the unexpected.”

“But we’re so different.” I muttered and Kent rolled his eyes.

“Perhaps so but there’s a reason why someone had put you guys together. You’ve got to find it and keep working at it until she sees that you are the perfect mate for her.” He was right. I had to make it work somehow.

He slapped my back before standing up “We’re gotta be getting back. You need to help out the maids with cleaning up that mess upstairs and talk things out with your mate.” I nodded my head and quickly changed before jogging back towards the house with my bete. I grabbed my spare clothes from under a bush and pulled them on before entering the house.

My mates sent filled the air like it did every day but something was off about it. I grabbed a nearby maid’s shoulder and turned her towards me. She looked up at me in shock.

“Alpha I-“

“Where is my mate?” I asked her and she glanced around.

“I’m not sure. When I last saw her she was heading down here towards the front door.” My eyes hardened and something inside of me told me something bad was happening to my mate.

“And you didn’t stop her?” I growled and she shook her head.

“She is luna after all. I mean she can-“ I grabbed the girl by the neck and she stopped in her rant. She began to choke as I lifted her off the floor and glared at her. I watched her hands claw at my hand trying to make it looser but she was unsuccessful.

“You will learn that my mate does not leave this house without me.” I threw her to the floor and turned to Kent who had been watching the whole ordeal. “Summon every man, woman and trained boy to scout the area for my mate. If she doesn’t come back alive then there will be consequences for everyone.” He nodded his head and hurried off.

A familiar sent filled my nose and I turned to look at the old couple in front of me, also known as my parents. “What?” I snapped at them.

“I think your taking this little too far son.” My father reached forward with his hand and I stepped back.

“Why would you care? Is it because I’m not fit enough for the role of alpha huh? Do you even care that my mate is out there and might even be hurt?”

“Of cause we care-“ My mother answered and I cut her off with a glare

“Don’t lie to me. Get out of my site before I kill you both.” They both looked at each other before walking off. I walked into my study and sinking into the leather couch. It smelled like her and I finally realised that I was completely alone. Like I always have been.

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