Chapter Eighteen

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So here we are again. Another week and another chapter. I must warn you though that this chapter is uneditted like normal and now this is officially the longest book I've ever written. YAY. Cheer. Also there is only a few more chapters left to this story. Four at the tops I would think. So this chapter I hope has lifted the book back up again and I'm so sorry for the late update of it. I've been watching big brother and I have a assignment due tomorrow which was due today so I better get on it.

Chapter eighteen

Lauren’s POV

I heard footsteps follow me as I made my way into my bedroom and the door shut tightly behind me. As I took a seat on the bed my eyes lifted up to Isaac’s. He was studying me carefully before he spoke “There’s been a rogue attack.” I breathed in and nodded my head before standing up.

“What do you want me to do?” His head tilted to the side and a small smile appeared on his lips.

“Now you sound like a Luna.” He told me and I blushed. He cleared his throat just realising what he said. “Right, I need you to go downstairs and help me calm the pack.”

“Okay I can do that.” I rubbed my sweaty hands on my legs and started to move towards the door.

“You have to talk to them Lauren. You can’t freeze up like you did earlier.” His voice was very serious as he came up next to me.

“I won’t. Although I’m not good at public speaking I’ll be fine now… I can sort of feel it.” I looked up at him as he nodded his head. My mind was suddenly lost in thought. What do I say to them? ‘The pack is under attack. Everyone run for your live’.  Now that would be stupid. ‘Don’t worry. Everything’s fine…’ Not very convincing, even I would still be screaming on the inside and out. ‘There’s a rogue-‘. What the heck?

Something warm had slipped around my hand and laced through my fingers. I looked down at my hand to see another hand clasped around mine. My eyes followed up the arm to see Isaac clenching and unclenching his jaw “What are you doing?” I asked him and he looked at me.

“What a good mate should do.”

“Holding my hand?” I asked him and he nodded.

“It’s a symbol of care… and I care about you.” I blinked at him before turning my head back towards where I was walking.

“Where is this all coming from?” I asked him and I could hear him take a sharp intake of breath.

“I’m worried about you Lauren. I just… I don’t want to lose you again. Do you know how much it hurt for me to stay here without you?” He suddenly tugged me to a stop and turned me towards him. “Lauren listen to me. I’m sorry about everything I’ve done. I’m sorry that I hurt you in ways which I will never do again.” His hand smoothed over the arm he dislocated and he sighed “I don’t know what was going through my head. It must have been something stupid because I can’t even remember.”

Save me from the darkness (Watty Awards)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang