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I'm going to prom without a date, like the loser I was.
I arrived through all the flashy strobe lights and streamers. It must be nice, having a date. I see something go in to the bathroom.

I go in to the bathroom to investigate. And there she was, the most beautiful vegetable I've ever seen.
Her stalk was so buttery and slender. Her kernels couldn't have been more perfect. I went up to her and bit her.

All her juicy juices went into my mouth and they were so good. I grabbed her by the stalk and threw her on the ground.
I tied her up with my farmers rope and slammed her on the wall. She struggled as she tried to escape.
I fondled her hard kernels as I put my dick in her corn hole. I rocked back and forth and as she kept trying to struggle, I kept getting harder. I stifled her corny screams with my big hand.
She stops struggling and screaming as she finally accepts the moment. I start going faster and faster in her irritated corn hole.
Then we both climax and she falls to the ground.
I stroked her beautiful skin as I looked at her crying red eyed shaft.
Her stalk was beat red. I assumed that she was a virgin and that she was bleeding.

Then I realize that she's not a virgin and my dick had a giant cut in it. I die 3 minutes later from blood loss.

Corny smutsWhere stories live. Discover now