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Short Stories written from Prompts. Chapters may be singular or may continue depending on popularity of the prompt/idea, the response it has gotten and/or the author's own choice.

Please Do Not Get Attached To Any Characters. There will be repercussions and consequences.
However, feel free to sympathize and relate to the characters developed in this book as a good character is always loved.

:D hi *waves*

This story is a work of fiction, the names, characters, events, incidents, etc. are the ideas/thoughts of the author. Anything that resembles to the real life world is coincidental. Any content extracted, manipulated or distributed is unacceptable without a written acceptance statement from the author and/or publisher. This story is under copyright and failure to follow by standards of copyright is punishable by law.

This disclaimer is a closure for the author, who is not responsible or liable for any offence taken to a person.

Thank you


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