Chapter 5 - Boot Camp

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AN: Well look who got to uploading today. Me! I know this chapter is shorter, but I have mild writers block right now. I just want you to keep in mind that I wasn't following the boys when they were on X-Factor so some of the content will be false, but it's a fiction story so.. ya know! I have watched the X-Factor videos so I tried to make it as realistic as possible. And as always I hope you guys like it!!! 

Still Niall’s POV (X-Factor Studio)

             I can’t believe I’m doing this right now. Why did I ever audition for this show? Right now I was in X-Factor Boot Camp and now know why it is called boot camp. It was rehearsal after rehearsal. I mean the singing part was ok, but I was starting to lose my voice since it was near the end of the day. The dancing part was a different story. I was not a good dancer. I knew that, Claire knew that, and pretty much everyone else I knew realized that.

              As I was practicing I saw my roommate Liam. In the short time we’ve been here Liam seems like a really nice lad. I had no doubt in my mind that he would get past boot camp easily. He had an amazing voice. Me, I doubt I’ll get past this stage. There are so many people that are better than me.

             But, it was time for the final dance. The music started and I danced the best I could. Finally the music stopped. I was happy I got through it but I would be on pins and needles until we got the results. To pass the time I went over to talk to Liam backstage. After what seemed like hours they called mine and Liam’s group onto the stage.

              “Right now we will call out names. The names of people that are called have been successful and will be moving on to the judges houses. If your name is not called you will have to go back to your rooms, pack your bags, and leave immediately. Got it?” The director said to the group. We all nodded.

            My chances got slimmer as he read off the names. Finally he finished and my name wasn’t called along with Liam’s.  I started to feel the tears burn my eyes as it set in. I was going home. Me and Liam walked back to our room, but didn’t talk. We were both to upset. I packed my bags as fast as I could and walked toward the entrance where there was a car waiting to drive all of us rejects to the airport. I was walking down the steps, but someone stopped me.

            "Are you Niall Horan?” he asked. I nodded.

           “The judges want you back inside.”

          The man then urged me to follow him back to the stage. To my surprise I saw Liam and three other boys that looked about my age. There were four young girls too. Oh, I forgot to mention the judges.

         Simon started to speak, “As you know you were not good enough to get to the judges houses alone. But me and the others have talked it over and we feel you are to talented to let go. We have come up with the idea to have two groups enter the X-Factor this year. Congratulations. You are through to the next round of the competition.”

          I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I was actually through! Me and the other boys all jumped up and climbed on top of each other in joy. It’s odd how we barely knew each other, but felt so close. All I had to do to make this day complete was Skype Claire.   

AN: Here comes One Direction!!

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