Chapter 7 - Simon's House and Celebration

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AN: Hey lovely readers! Here is the first of two updates for today. I was going to update earlier but my internet went crazy. :( But I am on summer vacation so I have a lot of extra time on my hands at the moment. I would also like to thank my first fan! This chapter is dedicated to her! Finally, I promise this will be the last possibly boring chapter. And now I'm rambling, so to chapter 7!!

Niall’s POV

I can’t believe that just happened. The boys had ruined my time alone with Claire and alone time was precious time. It almost never happened anymore. And worse yet Harry had tired flirting with my girlfriend right in front of me. Who in there right mind does that? I don’t know, maybe I’m over reacting. At least Claire was happy for me getting through. And she did seem to fancy the boys which is good too. We had only known each other for maybe 28 hours and so far all was good. I have to admit we got on very well. Tomorrow was rehearsals then the judge’s houses. We were going to Simon’s house. The song we had been practicing today was called Torn. It was quite a good song. I didn’t have any solos. It was mostly just Harry and Liam, but I was ok with that.

I leaned over the edge of my bunk bed, which was on top, and looked at the clock. 1:45am. I had been laying in complete darkness for 45 minutes just thinking. And now I need to stop thinking and fall asleep or else I would be completely knackered tomorrow.

             “NIALL! WAKE UP YOU LAZY BONES! IT’S TIME TO REHEARSE!” Louis yelled directly in my ear.

              “God, Louis! You don’t have to yell to get me to wake up. Before this show is over I’ll probably go deaf.” I said glaring at Louis.

              I hopped down from my bunk and grabbed clothes from the heaping pile that had started to develop in our room. To be honest I’m not sure if the clothes I was putting on were mine. Yes, we are teenage boys and we are messy. I joined the boys and ate breakfast. I ate as quickly as I could. I had to talk to Claire right now. I got up off the couch and ran to my phone. I started texting.

Nandos to Clairebear: Hey baby. Just wanted to say good morning beautiful!

Clairebear to Nandos: Hey Nialler! Good morning! Thanks for waking me up by the way. ;p

Nandos to Clairebear: Sorry baby. So.. anything new?

Clairebear to Nandos: No! I just talked to you like six hours ago! Are you going to the judge’s houses today?

Nandos to Clairebear: Yeah. I have to go rehearse in a little bit. I’m starting to get nervous. I really want to get to the live shows.

Clairebear to Nandos: Don’t worry baby. You’ll do amazing, you always do. I’ll cross my fingers if it makes you feel better!

 Nandos to Clairebear: Thanks Claire. I love you. Listen the boys are calling me right now so I’ll call you after the judge’s houses ok?

Clairebear to Nandos: Ok. I love you too Nialler!

             With that the conversation ended and I ran to catch up with the boys who had already started to leave for rehearsal. We got in the limo and the driver took us to the studio. We knew the song well so we only sang it a few times to perfect it. Then we were carted off to Simon’s house. First was hair and makeup. I personally hated wearing makeup. It made your face look weird and exaggerated. Who knows, maybe that’s a guy thing. Then we went to pick out our outfits or the stylists did. When they were done dressing all five of us we saw we were coordinated in blues. Typical “boy band” look. We were given microphones and lead to the pool where Simon was sitting. Finally when it was time we sang the best we could. Apparently our best was good enough because Simon had just become our mentor. When we were done filming the director and producer pulled us aside to give us the details.

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