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For the first few minutes, we drive in silence besides the faint music of the radio. It's odd, how content I can be simply in his company and how simply being beside him makes my day. Very odd, indeed.

"Don't you need to go see your boyfriend?" Deimos abruptly breaks the blissful silence, and I feel myself stiffen in the seat, caught off guard. I look over to attempt to read him but his eyes remain trained on the road ahead. 

"Atlas? We're not together," I look out the window for a second, collecting my thoughts, "anymore." 

"Well that's certainly not what he thinks," Deimos mumbles quietly. The lights of the city reflect his face, carving his features in a way which I was mesmerized by. Catching myself, I quickly look away.

"Maybe I should go see him," I hum in thought, "to clear things up." Glancing back at the hunk of a man sitting next to me, I see him already looking at since we were at a stop light. His golden eyes barely contain his simmering anger and I fiddle with my rings nervously, not quite understanding his emotions tonight. 

"No," the Devil says impassively, looking me directly in the eye and sending shivers throughout me, despite the anger his words trigger in me. 

"I'm sorry, Mr. Themis, but I don't remember asking for your permission?" I spit out, clenching my fists in my lap and sending him a deathly glare which came naturally. I continued, "If you won't drive me, it's fine, I'll just-"

"Aurora, stop," the hardness in his eyes soften and I see the gold thaw, "I meant I don't trust this Atlas, he touched you without your permission at the wedding, who knows how he could overpower you without your consent, alone, in a hotel room."

I open my mouth to respond, but close it, finding myself at a loss for words. My heart warms at his worry, and I feel it expand in my chest. To see a man made of ice show warmth was a miracle I was lucky enough to witness. 

"Oh," I croak out, not knowing what to say. "Deimos, I-"

"How about, I come with you, just to make sure Atlas doesn't do anything of the sort," Deimos speaks with firmness, staring at me with an intensity which leaves my bones shaking. The reflection of the red light we are stopped at dances across his skin, making the Devil appear even more devilishly handsome. 

"God, Deimos, will you ever stop cutting me off?" I say exasperatedly, rolling my eyes, but my tone is light and I can't help the slight smile which seems to always paint my lips when he is around. 

"Never," Deimos states and I swear I see his lips twitch upwards, a shine in his golden eyes returning. "But I have different ways in mind to do it in the future," I hear him mumble but I brush it off, not knowing if I heard it right over the stream of thoughts zooming through my brain. 


Arriving at Atlas' room in the Plaza hotel, I raise my hand to knock on it before I realize something important. Turning around, Deimos stands behind me, raising his eyebrow expectantly. 

"You should go wait around the corner of the hall, just until we go inside, so Atlas doesn't get all riled up again," I demand more than suggest, looking up at the Devil with firm eyes.

"Alright, but I'll be right back here once you go inside so I'll be able to hear if anything goes wrong," he replies. Deimos' tone had become serious and I simply nodded, knowing I had to do something to thank him later. Even though his over protectiveness was frustrating, it was his way of showing he cared. 

I turn back to the door and knock, expecting Deimos to slip away. But instead, I feel a body step closer behind me, it's warmth radiating into me. I sense Deimos lowering his head down to my neck, and I stand confused and anxious since I was facing away from him and Atlas was bound to open the door any moment. 

The Devil Named DeimosWhere stories live. Discover now