Broken Glass

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Broken Glass


"We've got trouble." I jumped as Jasper spoke after he dropped a newspaper on the table in front of me.

Having been absorbed in my own thoughts, I hadn't known that Jasper was in the room. I looked down at the paper before me, reading the headline "Two more dead - Murderer Still on Rampage".

"I'm thinking we have a rouge vampire on our hands," Jasper spoke again after a minute as he sat down across from me. He picked the paper back up, skimming the article again. I saw my sketchpad, which was previously covered by the paper, laying open in front of me. I looked down at what used to be a blank paper before I zoned and saw Bella staring back at me.

I frowned slightly before I looked up again at Jasper. He was staring back at me with a curious expression on his face, silently asking me what was wrong. I sighed and put my head in my hands.

"I don't know, Jasper. It's just that with everything happening so suddenly... Carlisle doesn't seem too concerned right now, though. Has he seen this?" My thoughts were much more scattered than usual. I imagined Bella sleeping alone at her house and wondered what she was dreaming about. Jasper cleared his throat, trying to get my attention. "Sorry, what?"

He gave a small chuckle before turning serious again. "I showed it to him, yes. He was frustrated with it, didn't really believe it at first. He didn't want to, I don't think, but who of us does?" He looked at me trying to gauge my reaction. "He told me to make sure that I let you know, though you had probably already seen it." My frown deepened. "You hadn't?" he asked, trying to conceal his shock and failing.

I shook my head in frustration. "No, not at all. I haven't been able to see much of anything lately, aside from us specifically. Nothing from outside, though." I gripped my head tightly, trying to force something to come to me. "Nothing will come, though..." I whisper out.

I was beyond frustrated with my visions. What had been a normal occurrence became something that rarely happened. And when I did have a vision, it was always blurry and unclear, never lasting more than a few seconds.

Jasper got up from his seat across from me and came to stand beside me. He knelt down and reached out to me, placing his hand reassuringly on the back of my neck.

"They'll come to you, Al. Just give it some time. Relax." I looked at him as if he was crazy, which caused him to chuckle again. "I know, I know. But nothing will happen to Bella. We're all here, and we won't let anything happen to anyone in this family." His gaze was serious and I couldn't help but believe him. I nodded my head before turning back to my drawing in front of me. Jasper looked at it as well. "You should go to her. She'll be waking soon." He got up from his place beside me, ruffling my hair softly. I growled at him playfully, to which he stuck his tongue out in response.

Jasper left the room quickly after I glared at him. I could hear his chuckle down the hall and smiled to myself. He always knew how to cheer me up.

"Thanks, Jazz," I whispered, knowing he would hear me.


Days had passed and Alice was still tense. Ever since she had that vision Monday morning, she hadn't been nearly as cheery as usual. Sure, she tried to act normal, but she couldn't fool me.

We were walking back to her car after another school day had ended. Alice was looking around us casually, though there was obvious tension around her eyes. I sighed as I watched her. I had asked her before, multiple times, but she wouldn't budge, always telling me that nothing was wrong or that it was nothing to worry about.

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