Time For A Change

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Time For A Change

The weekend came much faster than I thought it would. Between worrying about Alice flipping out on Daniel and upcoming exams, I didn't have much time to be bored, and time seemed to fly.

Alice had finally convinced me earlier in the week that it would be easier if I just moved in with them, seeing as I was over at their house most of the time anyway. So, after very little debate from me, Alice arranged for Carlisle to call social services to let them know what was happening. I'm not sure how he got them to agree to the new living arrangements so easily, but I wasn't about to argue.

Today was moving-out day. Alice and I had spent all night repacking all of my stuff into boxes and preparing for the big move.

Alice had just driven back to her (our) house with some boxes in her Porsche, and probably wouldn't be back for at least half an hour. I was dutifully bringing more boxes out and packing them into the bed of my tuck, trying my best to secure them in so that they wouldn't fly out during the drive.

As I dropped another box onto the bed, I heard the rumbling of a motorcycle coming down the road. Thinking nothing of it, I climbed into the bed of the truck and continued to wrestle with the box, trying to get it to fit in the last bit of empty space.

The rumbling stopped when it was at its loudest behind me, and I turned to see why whoever was driving it had stopped.

I froze in place, half bent over the box, when I realized who was standing behind me.

"Jake?" I choked out. I hadn't expected to see him again any time soon, especially not after our last run in.

Jacob leaned against his bike, arms stiff at his side and fists clenched, glaring down at the ground.

An awkward silence came over us. After a moment, I righted myself and hopped down from my truck to face my best friend.

The silence continued.

Finally, Jake cleared his throat and pushed off of his bike. He took a step toward me before deciding against it and stepping back again. He repeated this again before decided to just remain where he was.

"I'm sorry," he finally blurted out. I rolled my eyes and he hurried to continue. "Bella, just listen to me. I'm sorry that I over reacted. But, it's not really my fault. Well, it is, but it's not at the same time. I just... it's instinct. It took over, and I was already frustrated with the leech-"

"Alice," I cut in, crossing my arms and standing up straighter. "Her name is Alice. She's not a leech. And she's the one that you should be apologizing to."

Jake rubbed one of his huge hands down his face with a groan. "Be reasonable."

"Excuse me?" I asked, voice hard.

"Being around that-Alice," he said her name as if it was a particularly nasty word, "for more than any time, really, isn't going to happen. So be mature and just accept my apology so that we can move on."

His matter-of-fact tone was really starting to piss me off. He had no right to tell me what to do, and I told him as much.

"You really have no right to demand anything of me, Jacob. And I'd reconsider who's being immature if I were you." I put as much disgust into his name as he put into Alice's. I opened my mouth to continue, but he cut me off before I could get a word in.

"You know what? Whatever. I thought that maybe we could get over this, but I guess not. It's just not possible for a leech lover and a werewolf to be friends." He turned to get back on his bike. "I'm out." With that, he climbed on and started the engine before racing down the road and out of sight.

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