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About two months have passed, so that means I've been having my dreams for three months now. Wren had come back with his mate just a few days ago- they were already marked and mated. I was so happy for him, they complimented each other very well. Of course it was now kinda awkward cause I was always third wheeling now, so that wasn't fun, but Wren and Kylie made sure to include me in everything.

Wren also was pressuring me into finding my mate everyday since he has been back. I would get angry and run up to my room, but I knew I couldn't keep hiding myself from my mate. Wren would try to tell me how incredible it was to have a mate- someone that was specifically made for you, but again I would just brush him off and tell him I didn't want that. I couldn't lie though, every time I had my dreams my wall would break a little- he would do or say something cute and the wolf part of me melted every time, thus making me weaker. I felt like I was loosing the battle, but hopefully I'll win the war.

"Orianna, do you want to watch a movie with us?" Kylie called out to me from the couch. I loved hanging out with them, but then they always end up getting touchy-feely and I can't handle that, so nowadays I'd just pass on hanging out with them.

"No, I'll just hang out in my room." I said back grabbing an apple from out of the refrigerator.

"Okay, see you tomorrow, Oreo!" I rolled my eyes at the nickname, but I let it slide this one time.

I walked up the stairs and went straight to my room. I dreaded going to sleep now because I knew I couldn't escape my mate there. Every time my eyes closed and my body relaxed, I would start getting nervous, wondering what he would do today.

It was so stupid- I'm a wolf, so I knew my whole life that this time would come. Deep down inside I had hoped that I was one of those unlucky- but lucky for me -wolves that didn't get a mate. I just wanted to live my sad and lonely life by myself... was that too much to ask for?

I sat and ate my apple, while of course... thinking of him. I just noticed that we didn't know each other's name, that was good for me, but I kinda- just a little wanted to know his name. I just needed to have a name for the face... that I could barely see, but I still needed a name. It was selfish of me, but I was the type of person that had to know everything about everything and everybody. Maybe it's the Beta side of me or it's just me being nosy, either way that's how I've always been.

I finished eating my apple, then I threw it in the trash and started my night routine. Shower, brushed my teeth, combed my hair... you know, just the basics, then afterwards I cozied up in my bed. I laid there just looking at the ceiling because I was too nervous to go to sleep. Yesterday I didn't have a dream, but I knew he'd definitely be back tonight.

I know you're probably thinking that I could just stay up all night, but I tried that once and I ended up falling asleep after two hours, so that's not an option. I sighed knowing that there was no way around this- him. I felt defeated as I felt my eyes close. I knew soon the mystery man would be visiting me soon.. unfortunately.

As soon as I fell into a deep sleep I felt myself sitting on grass. Well, I guess it has started. I thought to myself as I ran my hand through the damp grass.

"Hey," I turned around only to be met with a smiling green eyed man. He came to sit next to me, but I didn't have the energy to run away this time. "How was your day?" I looked at him with annoyance covering my face. He looked back at me with a nervous smile as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Don't make this more awkward, then it already is." I said with annoyance. He sighed, then he tried to scoot closer to me. "Uh- stop right there! I don't like people in my personal space, so back up!" I held my hands out to stop him from moving forward. He ran a hand through his hair, but he didn't move away.

"But I'm not just anybody... I'm your mate!" He smiled down at me like he had combatted my statement. He really thought being my mate gave him special privileges. Well, he needs to think again. I let out a light chuckle, then I moved to stand in front of him. I crossed my arms over my chest and gave him the meanest face I could muster.

"You listen and you listen very good, no name. You're nobody special to me, even if you are my mate, so don't think you automatically get special privileges cause you don't. I don't even know you and you don't deserve to know me because you're a monster!" I finished my rant, then I let out a sigh of relief. Hopefully he got the message loud and clear that I didn't want to be with him.

I looked down at him and a single tear escaped from his right eye. He looked up at me, then another tear came running down. Did I really hurt him that bad? I was kinda feeling bad now- I didn't think he would cry. He held his head in his hands and he started sobbing lightly. I didn't like him and he wasn't my friend, but I still felt bad for what I said to him.

I stood there in front of him as he cried his heart out. I was fighting the urge to go comfort him or not. But what if this was all just a show to get me to feel sorry for him, then he'd make me come find him? While I was having this internal battle with myself I didn't notice he had stood up and was right in front of me.

Before I could even think or blink for that matter his lips were on mine. He wasn't aggressive with it, instead he was gentle and slow. I didn't kiss him back for a long while, but then he grabbed my neck and deepened the kiss and I fell into his trap. Our lips started moving in sync. He wrapped his other free hand around my waist and brought me closer. I couldn't lie, he was a great kisser and his soft plump lips just added to the sensation of the kiss. He playfully licked my bottom lip, then he pulled back.

My breath was coming out as pants, while the man just stood there like that was nothing. We've been making out for a good minute and he wasn't breathless. He grabbed me by my waist again, then he whispered in my ear. "You can be stubborn all you want, but I know you won't last much longer. Just know, I can't wait to see the day you do finally break." He slowly licked my ear and my breath caught in my throat. My lips slightly parted from the gesture, but I was quick to close it, so he couldn't see the effect he had on me right now.

He let go of me and started walking away. I stood there stunned- I reached up to touch my tingling lips while watching him leave.

He turned around and gave me a quick smirk. "The names Akai, since you were wondering." He quickly turned back around and then he disappeared into thin air. I still stood there shook as I felt myself going back to my body.

That little faker I thought as I drifted back to my body. I should've known he was playing with my feelings. I cursed to myself as I let my guard down yet again. I really need to become stronger mentally, so I can resist his charm.

I'll be ready next time.

Dream, my little mateWhere stories live. Discover now