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3 years later

I hugged myself tighter as a cool breeze whipped across my face. It was November, but it was just starting to get chilly where we lived, so I spent as much time outside as I could before it got too cold.

I took a seat on the steps as I looked up at the sky and trees, thanking the moon goddess for all she had granted me with. I had never known my life could be this enjoyable and actually worth living. Everyday I woke up smiling and that's the way it should've been from the beginning, but I'd rather it come later, then to never have it.

I was still getting use to having peace in my life and not having to look behind my back every second. It was weird for me to feel so grateful for everyday of my life and actually look forward to waking up in the mornings, because for so long I had been in such a sad and dark place in my life.

A sigh escaped my lips as I thought about Akai and how much I had been missing him for the past week he had been gone. Akai was visiting packs who had asked him for help against rouge packs. Since we had such a huge pack now, we both thought it would be great to help other packs that were going through the exact same thing we went through just a few years ago. So even though I had secretly been against combining with Akai's father pack, it turned out to be the best for us. And our pack numbers only multiplied when Samuel had dropped down from his title and gifted us with his pack, because him and Wren had went searching for his mate. I had hoped that he had found his mate -alive and healthy-, but the chances were slim, especially after so many years.

My hands instinctively reached for my growing belly and gently rubbed the round surface that had quickly enlarged over the past few months. A bright smile automatically reached my lips as I felt a sharp kick push against my hand. He wasn't even born yet and I already knew he was a determined fighter. My fighter. It had been hard for me to accept the fact that I was pregnant for the first few months because I had been so scared to raise a child of my own. I thought I wouldn't be able to do it, because of how rough of a childhood I had. I hadn't even told Akai I was pregnant for the first two months, because I was having a hard time myself getting use to having a baby and I wasn't ready to see Akai's reactions, but in the end he found out and helped me get through my problem of being a parent... and thank the moon goddess that he did. This baby had slowly become my pride and joy once I got over my original fears. Now, I apologize to him everyday for thinking those horrid thoughts and I promised to love him forever and always to protect him.

My brain still couldn't wrap itself around the fact that this was our life. Everything I had secretly wanted... and then some. These past few years proved to be near impossible to get rid of the constant smile on my face, but I didn't mind and the pack definitely didn't either. I had an exceptional and loving mate, a strong and healthy baby boy, a supportive pack, and a renewed mindset. I could happily die now.

I closed my eyes and just let everything surround me in it's warm embrace and bring the comfort it had done for more than 3 years now. My life had taken a turn that I didn't even think was possible.

I was glad to have fixed my relationship with my father over the past few years. We had even gave him the title of being the elder beta, because he had been the beta of my old pack for so long and was very good at it. We used him as a source of help and he always knew what to do for situations that Akai and I were struggling with.

I also had forgiven Wren. He had been through a lot and I get why he did what he did to save his mate. I know I would do anything for Akai now that I know what it feels like to have real love. I wouldn't say we were best friends, but I could easily say that I didn't hate him, which had brought Wren's guilt a little bit of closure.

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