Chapter Two

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I walked to the school parking lot thinking about what Brandon said. 

Challenge accepted.

Does this mean he's coming after me next? Non sense, he hated me and I sure as hell hated him. The sound of a car horn drew me from my thoughts. I turned to see Phoebe, Jill and Patricia in her car.

"Get in, loser. We're going shopping." Patricia smirked. 

I laughed at the mean girl quote and jumped in her BMW convertible that her dad bought her. We drove into the city and went hunting for dresses. Phoebe was obsessed with getting that purple dress she mentioned earlier. We went through five stores and she still wasn't satisfied with what she found.

We stopped at one particular store this time that had a few purple dresses in the window. Phoebe went off searching for dresses and I sat on the couch in the dressing room. Jill found a few dresses as she walked in and Patricia had tons lined out already. 

Jill came out in a long, shape hugging, strapless pink dress. "Well?" she asked. 

"It's pink." I stated. 

"Yeah, pink. What's wrong?" 

"It's pink." I repeated. "Plus half of the female population will be in pink and purple." 

"That's true." she agreed and went back in the stall.

Patricia came out in a short, tight, black dress with a sweetheart neckline. "Well?" 

"Cleavage." I stated. "Lots." 

"Perfect." she smirked and pushed her breasts up. 

"Will your dad like that?" I asked; worried they might argue and she'll end up at my house again.

"I don't care. I think the black is sexy." she ran her hands along her hips and her flat abdomen. 

I nodded slowly; trying not to say anything which might make her bring up the topic of sex again. 

"No dress for you?" she asked.

"Nice try, I stand by my decision." 

"Kate, you know what you need?" 

"No." I said regretting it right away because I knew what her answer would be. 

"Some good dick." she nodded. 


"In due time, Patricia." I said to shut her up.

Jill came back out in another floor length dress. This one was much better; it was a turquoise color, strapless and very flattering. I gave her two thumbs up and she grinned. 

"I love it. I think I found the one." She swooned. 

We laughed then Phoebe entered with five purple dresses on their racks. 

"Ladies, I have a good feeling." she smiled then went to change. 

Both Patricia and Jill sat beside me as we awaited the fashion show to come. 

They dropped me home five hours later and I went to shower and wash my hair. After that I went downstairs and the strong perfume scent hit me from the top of the stairs. I saw my mom waiting at the door in a tight blue dress with her hair pinned up. She held her heels in her hand and glanced at her watch. 


She looked up and smiled. "Hey, don't wait up tonight okay?" 

"Greg picking you up?" She went out with him last night and the night before. 

"Uh, not exactly. Someone from work asked me to come to dinner. So, don't mention it to Greg okay? I'm going out with him tomorrow." 

I sighed. Easy was not the word for the people that surrounded me. My dad died two years ago and she started dating a year and a half later. 

Suddenly the door opened and Kevin, my brother, walked through. He looked at my mom and scowled the went into the kitchen. 

"Excuse me, young man. Where are you coming from?" She asked him.

"Does it matter?" He said with attitude then opened the fridge and took out a soda. 

"Yes, it does. Call next time will you?" 

"Why? You don't call when you stay out overnight." he sipped his soda. 

"Kevin!" she scolded. 

"Why don't you go on your date and leave me alone?" he passed her and came to the stairs. 

Suddenly the doorbell rang and my mom quickly put on her heels. 

"Right on time, what a gentleman." Kevin said sarcastically. 

"We're not finished." she pointed at him then left. 

I stood there as he passed me without a word. Our usual routine. 

"You should really talk with respect. She's still your mother." I said calmly.

He laughed aloud and turned on the step. "Coming from someone who had no respect for dad." 

"Lies! I respected him as much as you did." 

"Then why are you putting up with her going out and fucking every guy she dates!" he yelled. 

"She can't deprive herself of happiness by hanging on to someone who's not there! You don't think I'm hurt that he's gone? Of course I am you asshole! But you don't see me bitching about it like you do!" I shouted; my voice louder than his.

He smirked. "Good to know." He raised his soda can in salute then went to his room. 

"Ughh!" I yelled and punched the wall. My hand went right through and I felt the pain in my wrist and knuckles. 


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Pic on the right is Kevin!

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