Chapter Eleven

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Brandon stepped on the gas pedal and his truck sped forwards down the empty street. Silence fell between us and the only noise that kept me sane was the roar of his engine every time he switched gears to go faster.

Unfortunately, this gave me time to think about what just happened. I felt like smashing my head against the glass window. How could I be so stupid?

This was Brandon, the guy I hated, the guy that played girls like me.

A part of me regrets it but the next part couldn't be happier. It was different with Brandon, he was different.

He was caring, sweet and considerate. I don't know if that was a part of his whole act but I knew he meant it. He came for me in the pouring rain when I called. He drove me home because he thought it wasn't safe and now he's taking me to save my brother.

If that's not caring then I don't know what is.

Then again, there was Derek. I felt like a complete bitch that Derek wasn't even in thought when I was under Brandon. At that moment it was only me and him and I reveled in the attention.

If tomorrow came and he treated me like the rest of those girls my heart would be broken... But also I wouldn't mind. I knew the type of guy he was- is. I put myself in this situation and at the end of it I'm the one who has to deal with it.

"Please, tell me what you're thinking." His voice filled the truck.

"If Kevin is gonna be okay." I lied.

I knew my brother, he was a tough cookie despite his cry for help.

"Do you regret it?" His jaw clenched.

I looked at him. "Why would you think that?"

"I don't know." He ran his hand through his silky hair.

I had to resist the urge to tug on his hair with my own hand.

"I know the type of guy I am... I know what girls say about me and I can't lie, it's true." He glanced at me.

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying that I'm not the committed type, Kate. I'm saying I don't do girlfriends."

I held my breath. My chest constricted a little but when I exhaled I felt better. I knew this was coming. I had to admit though, I didn't expect it to be so quick.

"Well, good because I'm not your girlfriend. I'm with Derek remember?" It took everything in me to look him in the eye and say it.

I should have known better... Hell, I knew better.

I saw his jaw clench. "After everything, you're still with him?"

"Brandon. Like you said, you don't do girlfriends so why shouldn't I be with him?"

He remained quiet and his foot pressed harder on the gas pedal. His truck tore down the road and he made a swift right turn then came to a sudden stop. My body jerked forward and I thanked God I was wearing my seat belt.

"What the hell?" I screamed at him.

"We're here." He said flatly.

I looked at the building in front of us and you would never think something like an underground fight club happened in there. Then again, I guess that's the point. We got out and walked towards the door where Brandon knocked in a special pattern.

The door opened slightly and a tall brooding man sized Brandon up. He nodded and opened the door wider for him to enter. I followed suit as he led me down what seemed like endless stairs. It was dark and I heard water dripping faintly. We came upon what seemed like another door and Brandon did the same knock.

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