Chapter 6: Let's Get Out Of Here

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James regrouped with Clare and looked at her intently. The top of her head now pressed against the tiles of the wall of the pool, and little black droplets of her mascara were falling into the water. She wanted to look at James, but her body was reluctant to move from its current position.

"Are you okay?"

"Just leave me alone, James."

The tone in Clare's voice was weak, destroyed, non-existent. There was just nothing left now that she had been humiliated in front of all the school's popular kids, while James shared in the same boat.

"I'm not going to leave you alone, Clare."


"Because I've been where you are now mentally. Wanting just to be alone but it's not worth it."


"Yeah, now will you just look at me."

Clare sniffled before rubbing her eyes. The mascara she had on now streaked and stained her cheeks leaving two black lines in their wake. Taking her hands away from her skin, she looked at them, with a slight frown on her face. James could only stare at her and try to decipher her disappointment.

"It said it was waterproof."

Beginning to chuckle at the girl's comment, James raised a hand out of the water and wiped some of the mascara off of her face. It didn't take long for Clare to jump back in and help until she was make-up free and the two of them watched while the black substance faded into the water.

"Thank you."

"No problem."

"Can I ask you something, James?"

"Anything, whatever you want."

There was nothing Clare could ask him that he would say no to, he was here for her at this point. Since all they had were each other, just like high school and that wasn't about to change now.

"Do you maybe want to get out of here, and go get some ice cream or something?"

"Are you sure?"

"Yea I don't want to be here anymore."

"Well I mean I can't argue that I don't really want to be here either. So let's go."

Pulling themselves out of the pool, Clare led James back to the dressing rooms, and they returned moments later in their everyday clothes. James had gotten dressed first and waited a few minutes for Clare, who inevitably made her appearance.

He had almost missed her when she walked out since she stepped out of the change room looking completely different from her usual self. Her swimsuit had been replaced with a flowing blue summer dress, that was accompanied by a pair of leather weaved sandals, and her wet hair was tied back in a shimmering ponytail.


Noticing his admiration, Clare spun around once, letting the dress spin out and flow while smiling brightly at James. It took him a minute to pull his jaw off the ground, as she began walking toward his with such elegance. However she didn't stop, she just kept walking and took his hand as she passed him before looking over her shoulder. James couldn't help but look down at their interlocked fingers and then back at the profile of Clare's face that was peering over her shoulder.



"Why are you holding my hand?"

Returning a confused look, she glanced down and realized that she had indeed grabbed hold of James' hand unintentionally. Again the feeling of embarrassment washed over her, followed by her cheeks turning red until she felt she had no choice but to withdraw her hand from his. Only to her surprise, James held on to her even tighter as she attempted to pull away.

"I thought-"

"It's fine. I don't have a problem with it if you don't."

"Thanks but just know I am sorry."

"I know, now c'mon let's get out of here. I'm craving that ice cream."

Now mutually holding each other's hands, they confidently walked out of the water park together and out into the parking lot. However because James had his dad's Challenger, he parked it on the far side of the parking lot to keep it safe. Only after walking down a couple rows of cars they were still so far away.

"Damn James, did you have to park so far?"

"Sorry it's my dad's car, he'd kill me if something happened to it."

"I figured that was the case, I was confused when you told Nathan about what you were driving."

"Oh really, is it that hard to believe?"

They kept walking down a few more rows only to have the sun become a worthy opponent. The heat was draining them fast, and they still had a ways to go before reaching the car, but that didn't stop Clare from coming up with a sarcastic comment.

"Yea there's no way in hell, you could afford one, besides the one you have now is less loud."


"Yea y'know, it's inconspicuous, quiet but yet full of little luxuries."

"Thanks, I guess."

Continuing, the two of them kept trekking through the aisles of cars. Some people drove passed them while other people arrived. Still remaining quiet they started to swing their hands back and forth until Clare suddenly just stopped.

"Okay seriously though does the car have a come to you feature or something?"

"Are you tired?"

"Yea here I have an idea, carry me."


"Carry me."

Their hands dropped away from each other, only to now dangle beside each other. Clare was stuck waiting for an answer to her proposition with no intent on moving until she had one, and James looked back at the car realizing that it was still a decent ways away.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, one hundred percent. Prove to me that you have those muscles you earned from your summer job."


Crouching down in front of Clare, he waited for her to hop onto him. Listening to her light footsteps approaching him, he suddenly felt her legs wrap around his waist and her arms around his neck. He moved his hands back behind him, and carefully placed them so that he could support the new weight before he stood up. Taking a deep breath, he was confident of their bond, which allowed himself to get to his feet while Clare repositioned herself ever so slightly on him. Then when she managed to settle, she leaned her head forward and rested her chin on his shoulder.

"Okay, I'm ready, onward noble stead."

"Yes, your highness."

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