Chapter 33: Clare

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It was evident that he was running out of time, or at least that was the only thought going through his head as he searched for the love of his life. He ran to the elevator while the room door closed behind him. James felt like he couldn't move fast enough though as the elevator finally opened and he rapidly pressed the close door button. The metal box took it's time until it finally arrived at the pool on the roof. It was abandoned.

He glanced around and realized that there was a seven-foot glass wall surrounding the area and absolutely no way anyone could climb over it. However, even with that, there was still no sign of Clare except on the furthest side of the pool where a white tank top and black leggings laid on the ground. Beside them was Clare's shoes pointing toward the glass and yet only the clothes were crumpled on the ground with their host still missing.

It didn't make sense as he spun around spastically until he finally heard the faint sobbing coming from beside the elevator. He followed the noise and walked around the corner to see Clare bent over in a mess of tears. She was sitting in a black bikini that showed more than the swimsuit he had seen earlier in the week and resembled the skimpier style that Hannah had. James crouched down beside Clare and touched her shoulder gently in hopes to get her attention.

It took her a minute to register what was happening as she finally raised her head to look up at him. Her eyes were wide as she stared at James.

"Why James, please tell me you didn't."

"I didn't Clare."

"Do you love her?"

"Once upon a time I did, but now it's clear to me."

"What is?"

"I love you, Clare."

"I'm glad you finally figured that out."

"Are you?"

"Yea because I still love you too."

Clare reached around James and gave him a passion-filled hug that James happily reciprocated.

"I'm so glad you're okay."

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Because Hannah said she pushed you over the edge."

"No, it takes a little more than that. Remember when I said that a guy refused to kiss me just to get to Hannah?"


"Well, that was Nathan. It's not the first time she's tried to take my boyfriend."

"So what now?"

"I mean we could go for a swim."

A smile crossed her face as she extended the offer to James.

"I'd like that."

"Then get in silly."

Clare got to her feet, while James stared at her and watched as she dived into the water. Following her lead, he took off his clothes, so he was once again only in his boxers in front of a girl that he loved for the second time during the night before diving in right behind her. When he resurfaced, Clare wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist and pressed herself against him.

She gave James control of the situation as he floated them to the shallow end of the pool, and they started to make out aggressively, while their hands explored each other until Clare pulled away and started splashing water at James. They continued to play in the pool while the stars began to light up the night sky above them.


Some time had passed as the two of them sat on the edge of the pool and looked up at the starry night. It wasn't long till Clare's head found it's rightful place on his shoulder, and a sense of peace was finally upon them.

"So what do we do now?"

"I don't know, make some memories or something I guess."

"Actually I kinda want to show you something."

"What more could you possibly show me?"

"Look, just because I got this bikini for you doesn't mean you know all my secrets."

"It's nice by the way."

"Yea because you like what you can see."

"Well, that's not the main reason."

Originally the swimsuit was her last resort option if something did happen between James and Hannah. She wasn't comfortable in it, but as James held her, she could tell he wasn't hugging her to feel her body. Instead he was hugging her out of love.

"Really? Then what is it?"

"I like seeing you be confident with yourself."

"Shush you, now I want to show you something. Don't judge me though."

"I'd never."

Building up her courage, Clare sat on the edge of the pool for a few seconds before grabbing James' hand and guided it to her hip. He watched to see where she was about to place his hand as her soft skin felt different in this area. Clare watched him move his finger along the scars on her thigh and wondered what was going through his head.

"I've never shown anyone these."

"I get it, thank you...for trusting me."

"No thank you, for loving me."


The two of them shared another kiss as Clare put her hand on James' side and pushed him back into the pool, in a final effort he tried to bring Clare with him but missed. There was nowhere left for him to go but straight into the water before coming back to the edge as he resurfaced and looked back up at Clare.

"Oh you are so dead."

James' words seemed like an empty threat and Clare tried to stand up, but before she could get to her feet, James grabbed her by the waist and lifted her off the edge of the pool and carefully pulled her in. The two of them both smiled at each other unable to stop as Clare wrapped herself around James once more.

"I hate you, James."

"I love you, Clare."

Again they kissed underneath the night sky, together.

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