Whole Heart

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Love is real

Sometimes She just had to say that, Because She forget so

He says, wait can you listen to me before you go?

After so much heartbreak the girl is broken, But her core was now open

She has put too much faith in a man

Who she thought will love her more than anyone can

After her heart is worn, she doesn't know the reason she was born

She looks at the sky, and ask Jesus why?

When she loves, she loves with all her heart.

But the Lord told her to guard it, or it'll be tart

For her pearls are so precious and Devine, He told her to stop looking for a sign

Your waiting for Love he says

When Love is right here waiting for you

I won't tell you lies, nothing but the truth

Can I write your love story?

I know your heart is on the wire, but I know what it desire

In time you will be a wife

But for right now, can I be in your life?

I want you to be ready for him, cause he's almost ready for you.

Don't ask how, just know who

No man cant compete with what I have for you

Give me your heart, and please don't give me half

Love me with your whole heart

For my love, is forever and ever and will never throw a dart 🎯

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