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(Voice over)

The one problem about your death date, is that
You don't know when,
You don't know where,
You don't know how.

Mae is in her clothes she wore the night before, she looks at herself in the mirror before proceeding to stare at the mark on her arm.

Blood tests defy when your going to die- but no one knows why it happens. There's a million questions that will be forever unanswered.

Mae walks out into the kitchen where she sees her father in his work uniform. Mae frowns and looks down to her feet in disappointment.

"Your leaving?"

Her father turns around to meet her gaze.

"I have an... urgent thing I have to do at the hospital. I won't be gone long Mae, I promise."

She frowns, then looks worried, running her hands through her long hair.

"What if I stay home all day? What will happen? Will I accidentally set fire to the house? Trip and bump my head? Have a car crash into the living room?" Mae pauses.
"What if I sit still and not move?"

"There's a lot of unanswered questions, sweetheart. And I know your scared, everyone is." Her father puts his hands on her shoulders.
"It will be fine."

"Fine? I'm going to die today, there's nothing fine about that."

Mae's eyes starts to water, she seems angry at first but then finds herself breaking down.
Her father puts down his work bag and wipes a tear.

"Please don't cry."

"Your right. Crying won't stop my death. I just don't understand why."

Mae wipes her tears and holds them back as she frowns.

"I know why." Her father sighs, picking up his bag.
"They are decreasing the population, the dates on our arms, are shuffled randomly to be fair."

Mae looks stunned and confused, almost mad once she processes the information in her head.

"A population decrease? Why? How do you know?"

Her father takes a deep breath like he's about to let out a major secret. He looks back at his daughter, wanting to tell her things that he can't actually discuss with anyone.

"I'm a doctor, I've heard the things they discuss... about everything."

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