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Muffled voices and bright light of a computer screen is shown slightly blurred. Two voices speak from the government facility, they carefully monitor the society, making sure no one unexpectedly lives past there death date.
Even if it was impossible.

"Sir, there's an account that was active, on their due date."

"Let me see." Another voice says.

"There, do you think it's someone else? Should we investigate?"

"...sir? Should we?"

The man clicks on the computer screen, indicating a check up search on a girl of seventeen years of age called Mae Jones.

Men are called in, wearing black suites and black sunglasses, being ordered to confirm the young girls death.

They storm out, taking a car to the site of the address.
It's not often these men are ordered to check on the people.
But when they do, they always come back with the confirmation of that persons death.

But this time, they are in for a big surprise.

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