Chapter 16: Company

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I turn and look behind me looking at the front door to see who had come and i got wide eyed. Eragon stands there with knights in full body armor behind him and they take off their helmets and walk in and kneel before me but Eragon nudges them to quickly get up and i look at them confused. "This is the others i invited, Arthur, Backlack, Goosefat, Rubio, and Bedivere."Scatty says pointing at each one and they nod their heads as their names were called. "Nice to meet you y-...*clears his throat* m'lady." Arthur says looking down at me and i smile looking up at him. "Well all of you join Sam and help her finish all this food." They all nod and set their helmets at the door joining me at the table and taking food from the plates as i continue to eat my food. We eat in silence as scatty cleans the kitchen and we eat not saying a word. I clear my throat and look at Eragon and he looks at me with a confused look then looks to the rest of the men. "Thank you for your hospitality Sam, and thanks scatty for the food."He says and looks at me and i nod. "No problem indeed, question to you all actually....why are you here other than the invitation?" I ask curious and look at them for an answer. They stop their forks and finish their bites and look at me then Eragon hoping for an answer. Eragon looks at them and nods looking at me. "Ever since you were kidnapped in the forest we have been establishing a protective patrol to watch over you. And a greater evil has been sensed and we don't want to see you get hurt." He responds and i look at him then the rest as they bow their heads looking at their plates. I think back to the man that has saved my life twice and ponder what a change has happened for him to go from light to dark. Eragon looks at me and sighs. "We don't know who tied you up in that building where i found you or who took you in the first place but so that doesn't happen again were going to protect you." He says sternly and i look up at him and nod still lost in thought. 'Now i'm gonna have 6 bodyguards watching my every move.....this is gonna get boring fast.'

Lunch was finished and scatty washed all the plates and put them away. I walked out to the backyard and i believe Goosefat and Bedivere stand 5 feet away keeping an eye on me and i sigh already sick of them watching over me. "Do you guys have to follow me everywhere?" I say and they look at me and nod. I groan and go back inside and they shortly follow behind. I go to the front porch and see Eragon head into the forest and follow shortly behind him but Bedivere grabs my arm. "You must not go into the forest, it's not safe, and we can't have you following Eragon at the moment." He says looking down at me. I look at him slightly confused and seriously curious. "Why can't i follow him?" I ask and they look at me and sigh. "Important business to attend to, now you have to stay out of it." He says leading me back to the house.

I go up to my room and luckily they stand on the hallway side of the door and leave me for my privacy and i walk out to the balcony and barely make out the shadow of Eragon in the trees and i jump down and make my way toward him. I approach him cautiously and see he's talking to a different man, it was the one that saved me. But Eragon said he didn't know the one that saved me. Liar. I close in on the conversation and hear them conversing about a reward for saving me and Eragon hands him a sack and turns to leaves. I quickly move out of the way and hide in the bushes. I see Eragon pass and look back at my savior, so much has changed when he first saved me, i wonder what happened to him to make him like this. I turn and head back to the house climbing back up to my room and hop onto my bed. I lay there on my back as Eragon waltz's in and looks at me. "Get up were going into town." I look at him confused and get up as he grabs my arm hauling me away.

He mounts a horse from the stables and places me right behind him as the rest of em follow behind protecting me. We ride into town on horseback and trot through and i look at Eragon confused. "Why did you bring me here?" I ask curious but he doesn't answer and i start feeling fear and worry consume me. We hold the horses at the public stable and they escort me to a building i haven't been in before. They show me through and it looks like a gypsy house. I look around aimlessly till they sit me in a chair and a lady with many tattoos and piercings comes out and inspects me. "Good potential, great power, eyes are strong, muscles need more work, hair...silky." I look at her with practically a question mark written across my forehead. "What do you mean? What are you talking about?" I look at her and she bends down looking me straight in the eyes. "You have a prophecy in your path, you should be careful what path you take." She says and shoos us all away and i walk out of there with even more questions than answers. Eragon doesn't say a word and grabs my upper arm and i dig my heels in the dirt causing us to halt. "What was that all about?" I ask looking at him slightly pissed off. "A prophecy that might end up with you dying or living, we need to protect you, i wanted to be sure." He says and continues to drag me along for the journey.

A/N: Thanks to all my readers i see "The Meeting of Two Worlds is #690 in adventure! I know it isn't a big achievement but it still means a lot to me, thank you all!

The Meeting of Two WorldsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora