Chapter 21: Ending

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I stand there, legs slightly shaking in place as the dagger is held out in front of me as my grasp on it tightens. I remember his name from the first time I met him, Max, that's right. He stepped forward and I subconsciously stepped back. He held his hands up in defense. "I'm not here to hurt you." He says calmly as he steps closer little by little. "You climbing up onto my balcony in all black makes me think your here to do something to me." I reply harshly as my voice scratches. He stops in his tracks and sighs. "Fine I'll stop and stay right here alright? Thought you were sleeping. Was gonna check on you to see if you were alright. It looks like your fine." He steps back and puts his hands down. I lower the dagger and put it down on the dresser and sigh. "I'm fine...I had a long day alright." I sit back down on my bed and put my elbows on my knees. "I don't need you checking in on me like a child." I reply looking down at the floor. He grabs a chair from the side of the room and puts a few feet from the foot of the bed where I'm sitting and sits in it facing me. "Hey, ever since the first time I saved you, it went from a favor to a objective. It's my choice to save you, it's my choice to help you. I'm not doing this because someone told me to. I'm doing this because I want to." He says sincerely and I look up at him speechless. I look back down at the floor and fiddle with my fingers when he stands up and walks over to me and puts his hand on my shoulder and I flinch. He gently massages my shoulder and I calm down. "Your tense, tell me what happened. I wouldn't have saved you so many times if I didn't care so tell me." He kneels down and looks up at me. I look at him in the eyes and grip my knees and feel tears trying to come out but I hold it in. "I had to go to danu talis and do a Trial with a good friend of mine. Only one of us was able to come out, I was lucky enough to be the one. Now she's turned to stone for her own sake till I can get back over there and save her." I say as I shake and my eyes start to water as I look down at the floor. He lifts my chin and wipes the tears. "Hey, I'll help you ok? We'll get her back." He says reassuring and I look at him and sniffle. I look away and grip my knees. "Y-you don't have to. I can-" I say before he cuts me off. "Hey...I want to help you ok? So let me." He replies and I look at him and nod. He stands up and looks down at me. "Well I'm glad your agreeing with me finally. I'll be back ok? Just stay safe and I'll figure this out." He says and jumps off the balcony and I run to the edge and look down and he's gone. I sigh and go back to the bed and flop face first and groan. "Why does he keep disappearing? I wanna get to know him." I groan and lay there till sleep overwhelms me.


I wake up to the sun shining in my eyes and I sit up stretching and yawning. I look around and see nothing out of the sort but a note on my dresser. I get up and hobble to the note and read it, "Mavis, I'm headed on a mission in town. There are leftovers in the fridge and cookies on the counter. Stay safe and keep out of trouble. ~Scatty" I sigh and put it back down and grab one of my blankets wrapping it around me and trot downstairs. I walk into the kitchen and grab the leftovers and heat them up waiting for the microwave to ring and I look around for the cookies and snag one putting it in my mouth. The microwave dings and I open it taking my food and sit on the couch grabbing the remote. I bite into the cookie in my mouth and put it on my plate and watch tv wrapped in my blanket. I finish my food and place it in the kitchen and continue to relax on the couch. A tap sounds at the glass door to the backyard and I turn my head and see nothing. I shrug and look back at the tv and it happens again. I get up and look outside the door and look around. I keep the blanket on my shoulders and grumble seeing nothing outside. I keep the door closed and I turn back to the tv and it goes static. " no no no this isn't happening." I say to myself starting to freak out. It shuts off and the lights go out. I grab a flashlight and look around the house to make sure I'm the only one home. I go into the library and look around and the door shuts behind me and I bang on it only to be locked inside. I press my back up against the wall and look around  cautious. I dropped the blanket on the way up and hold the flashlight tightly in my hands. I look around as the light shakes in my hand, my heart beating a million times a second. A light shines on a lonely chair in the middle of the room. I look at it suspicious and step towards it little by little only keeping a 5 foot radius of it. I hear a chuckle sound throughout the room and look around trying to find the source of it. A hand grabs my shoulder and shoved me into the direction of the chair as cuffs wrap around my wrist and ankles yanking me into the seat of the chair locking me in place. I dropped the flashlight in process of the struggle as it shut off once it hit the ground. Engulfed in complete darkness, hearing my heartbeat in my ears, the shake of my body rattling the cuffs. The chuckle sounds and nears closer to me. A hand from behind yanks the chair back sealing it in a 70 degree angle as I stare up at the ceiling terrified. The light above flickers back on again, blinding me. I carefully open my eyes again to see nothing in my line of vision but I felt eyes drilling into the back of my head. Then the chuckle spoke in clean words,

"If you die before you wake, Do not cry and do not ache. Nothing's ever yours to keep. So close your eyes and go to sleep."

The source of the voice places a necklace in front of my face and waves it side to side. Chanting words and slowly my memories fade away only to be seen reflected in the necklace. Trapping them deep inside the trinket as the darkness overwhelms me. The chanted words from which he spoke are true...they seem.

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