Chapter 12

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I caved three days later and finally told McKenzie and Maddie about the date. When the first words out of my mouth were "I went on a date with Blake Baron" they were furious at my betrayal. They wouldn't hear any of my excuses, which I could admit were a little lame since I couldn't tell them the real reason I had to go in the first place.

But then they heard the word 'yacht' and their hearts melted.

"I cannot believe you didn't just do it in the hot tub," McKenzie shook her head in disbelief. "That was the most perfect time for something to happen. You didn't even kiss the guy after he took you on a yacht?"

"It's only our second date," I defended, "but the first one really didn't count because I didn't even know who he was."

"The poor guy's probably scratching his head wondering if it's going to take a trip to France to get to second base," Maddie mumbled.

Oh France. All the signs point to you.

I shrugged. "Let's be honest. I'll never see him again. Intimacy would complicate stuff," I said.

McKenzie hmphed from her spot in front of my dresser. She was expertly fixing her hair and criticizing my lack of courage at the same time. "That's exactly why you should have kissed him. Guys that hot and that forbidden don't come around very often. Because you two will never see each other is the perfect excuse to do it."

"Man you have sex one time and suddenly you're the queen of relationships," I muttered.

She shot me a look. "Three Times actually."

"It's only been, like, a week!"

She fluffed her hair. "The boys can't get enough of me."

"Ha but I can," I said. "I'm going downstairs for snacks. Requests?"

"Grapes," Maddie said. "We have homecoming in three weeks. No more cheesy puffs. The store we are going to isn't exactly versatile."

"Mkay. Seth ate all the cheesy puffs last night anyways."

"Stupid Seth," McKenzie mumbled,clearly already thinking about sneaking downstairs to my kitchen anyways to eat my snacks.

I left the room and walked downstairs, but not before catching a couple verses of rap music stemming from Seth's room. Taylor's giggles were audible as well.

In all honesty I was happy that Seth had held on to Taylor for as long as he had. He would earn a lot of respect from me if they ended up going to Homecoming together.

In the kitchen I loaded my arms up with grapes and a bag of popcorn. Maddie and McKenzie had come over with good intentions. But as soon as they found out that we had just rented The Notebook, there backpacks had been shoved underneath my bed.

Oh well. It's not like I wanted to pass that History test anyways.

I walked back upstairs and to my room. Music was no longer playing and I was shocked to hear Seth and Taylor discussing an upcoming Calculus test. Mostly I was shocked at Taylor. There was no way that girl was the one doing the tutoring.

I entered my room to Maddie and McKenzie, who were staring at me with wide eyes. What the heck? Something had definitely happened since me being downstairs. I dumped the snacks on my desk before confronting them.

"You got a text," Maddie said simply.

I eyed my phone in McKenzie's hand. "Give me my phone and I'll try and ignore the fact that you were snooping through my phone."

She shook her head. "No. We are deleting his number."

"Whose number?" I demanded. I glared at them both. "What the hell is going on?"

"Blake texted you. He wants you to call him," Maddie explained. She grabbed the phone from McKenzie. "Obviously You can't do that."

"Why not?" I snapped. "Give me my phone!"

I lunged for Maddie but she danced out of my reach. She made a break for the door and put one hand on the doorknob. "One step more and I will tell Seth everything that happened last night," she threatened.

I looked at her in disbelief. "What the hell is wrong with you two?" Best friends were not supposed to threaten each other like that.

"You are adamant that you had to go one that date with Blake. We have decided to understand that and ignore it," McKenzie said gently. She was inching her way to the spot in the middle of me and Maddie, or more accurately, me and my phone. "But you can't have anymore contact with him. He's Brentwood."

My mouth fell open. "All of this shit is because he is from Brentwood?"

"It's a doomed relationship. We are just trying to save you the pain," Maddie assured me.

"You bitches!" I snarled. "You have no right to interfere with my life like this. Especially on the grounds that he is from Brentwood."

The door suddenly flew open, slamming Maddie into the wall. She yelped and fell to the floor in pain. I scrambled for my phone, barely getting it before McKenzie did.

"Where is the text?"

"I deleted his number," Maddie wheezed. "Best not to tempt you."

A voice cleared its throat. "What's going on?" Seth questioned.

"I just found out that we are infested," I declared.

"With rodents?" Seth chuckled.

"No," I growled. "With bitches." I turned to Maddie and McKenzie. "Get the hell out!"

"We were just trying to help you," McKenzie defended.

"Of course we were!" Maddie added. "We're your best friends."

I shook my head. "No. You're not. Leave before this whole ten minutes of shit really registers in my mind."

They grabbed their backpacks and sullenly walked past me and a confused Seth. "We'll see you tomorrow," McKenzie hopefully said.

"Fat chance," I snarled and slammed my bedroom door behind their sorry asses.

"What just happened?" Seth asked when he heard the front door close, meaning they had left.

I sighed and flopped on to my bed. My head was buzzing angrily. "Is Taylor still here?"

"No. She just left to go meet with her tutor."

"Good. Now please order pizza and get out all the ice cream things you can find. It's been that kind of day."

"What did they do?" He asked, clueless of just how cruel girls can be to one another.

I stared blankly at the spot on my speed dial where Blake's number used to be. Of course I hadn't memorized it. I just knew the name that went with it.

"They showed where their true allegiance is," I said.

"What does that mean?" He said, persistent in not knowing nor understanding anything.

I groaned softly. "They had two choices to support. Long story short, they chose the wrong one."

"Can I do anything to help?"

I considered this question. I gazed up at him hopefully. "Can we move to a sane school? Maybe one that doesn't ruin their students lives over petty little rivalries?"

"Our rivalry is not petty," he defended.

I huffed in frustration. "It basically ruined a six year friendship."

Seth shook his head. He turned towards the door, his back to me. "That's not the only thing it has ruined," he said darkly, mostly meant for himself.

And then he walked out, leaving me to ponder what else had people done in the name of their high school?

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