Chapter 30

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When I awoke, I was being carried gently by Graham, who had apparently inherited super-strength on our way there. I was expertly balanced in both arms, and our bags were situated wherever he had room. But, I was his top priority. I swear he even tried to rock me at one point until I stirred slightly and he panicked because he believed he had woke me. It was amusing, the determination on his face to accomplish everything while also holding me. But, I'm sure holding me was also getting to brag, and he never passed on chances like those.

Every time I peeled open an eye, we were at a different spot in the forest, at least I thought we were. The last time I had been anywhere near trees was the yacht, and if I was being honest with myself, that didn't really count because I spent all of the time on the water surrounded by trees. But in this forest, every tree looked dark and green. Maybe we were in the same spot, or maybe we had just traveled a mile. I would have never been able to tell. I could only trust that my escort knew wherever the hell we were.

I caught some interesting conversations as I lay in a very deep pretend slumber. At one point Connor and Alex were arguing about wether McKenzie or Maddie was hotter, which is never a battle that would have been won. Thankfully Graham interrupted it. Not so good, he interrupted it by bragging about me. He was saying the sweetest things, but it was...odd, I suppose, hearing them from the mouth of my best friend. Back when it was a normal friendship, he would compliment me, but never like he was now. I mean, I was like a goddess to him.

It was clear as day: Graham adored me. He liked me. He really wanted me to pick him.

So, if he was trying his hardest, then I realized that I needed to start putting some effort into this new side of our relationship. I was being blindsided and selfish by not accepting him for who he was trying to be to me, and therefore I needed to try to treat him the Same as well. I just had to remind myself that I wasn't letting go of our past, just building a new block onto a very strong foundation that we shared.

I also heard some interesting things straight from the mouth of my dim witted brother. The first was "Are you positively sure she's asleep?" and the second was "Seriously, Graham, you're one hundred percent certain she's out?" I wasn't. But none knew that. Seth then proceeded to talk about some of his new ideas for the last two dealings they had left.

To put it simple: if he followed through with anything that he had suggested, I would be awoken by his call at two in the morning with a plea for me to bail him out of jail and not tell our parents. But...he did come up with these all on his own, so I would give him points for creativity. And while normal siblings would be very concerned for their blood-people, I saw it as a way to make some easy cash by him generously buying my silence. Seth was always good for some kind of money.

I knew they had stopped when the voices had quieted. I hadn't opened my eyes for a while because I feared that Seth was keeping a close watch on me to make sure I truly was asleep. Even more because they were discussing very top-secret things such as their plans for the freshmen send-off from the seniors as well as who had brought the alcohol, and how they would ration it during their stay.

I was slightly relieved that I was finally going to 'wake up'. Graham had given me a headache while they had been walking on an incline.

"Is this the seniors spot?"

"Yeah. Right by the lake," Seth grinned. "So let's start setting up. As for everybody else...Graham, you and the juniors can set up in that clearing a couple yards away. That way we can at least keep an eye on y'all."

"What about the sophomores?"

"Ehh, tell them to take a hike."

"What if one of them does something shitty? You seniors are the adults and are technically in charge of them. If any one of them fucks up, you could get sued, man."

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