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Disclaimer:  I don't own Hetalia. T^T But I do own this story, so. . . Ey, Himaruya, wanna share ownership??

Countries' Names:

America: Alfred

Canada: Matthew

England: (not canon) Evan

Russia: (technically not canon) Ivan

China: (not canon) Cory

Prussia: (not canon) James

Germany: (not canon) Aldwin

Japan: (not canon) Darwin

Italy: (not canon) Edmundo

Romano: (not canon) Jason

Spain: (not canon) Arturo

France: (not canon) Peter

Third Person PoV

America met up with Jordan at their usual meet-up place. Who he hadn't been expecting were two of the new kids, Aldwin and Edmundo.

   "Hey, Jordan. . . And. . ."

Jordan glanced over briefly, his nose stuck in his notebook of notes.

   "Aldwin and Edmundo. I forgot you hadn't really met before."

   Edmundo, the taller one, looked like he was about to argue, but quickly decided against whatever it was he was going to say.

   America nodded. "Yeah, I don't think we've met before. I'm Alfred, by the way."

  "Yeah, we know," Aldwin said, shaking Edmundo off his arm. "Jordan told us about you."

   America laughed, running the back of his head. "Makes sense. Anyway, we should--uh--We should get going. Are you gonna follow us, or do you need a ride?"

   Edmundo jumped forward. "Oh, we'll probably need a ride. Our--eh--extended family all came together in the same car, and they're all gone by now." He checked the sky, as if looking for the time there. "What do you think, Ge-Aldwin?"

  Aldwin sighed. "Yeah, they're probably gone by now. That's probably for the best, they can be kind. . . Pushy."

"Ha, I know how you feel," America laughed, he started walking, Jordan, Aldwin, and Edmundo following after. "My family's pretty pushy too, although that might be too nice of a word to describe them."

Aldwin raised an eyebrow before nodding. "I think everyone has family that can be considered pushy."

  As soon as America got close to the parking lot that his car was in, he unlocked the vehicle, the car's noise sounding off to his left. He turned and kept walking, his train of followers following a few steps behind. They all piled into the car, Jordan in the passenger seat while Edmundo and Aldwin sat in the back.

"Good thing it's only four of us, amiright?" America chuckled as he pulled out of the campus parking lot. Edmundo hummed to himself, not disagreeing.

"Very lucky," Aldwin agreed, thinking of how crowded the car would have been, even with only one more person. Well, maybe not Japan, he was a very quiet and slightly serious country. If there had happened to be one other person with them in the car, Germany would have perferred it be Japan.

For 'complicated' family members, Edmundo seemed to constantly cling to Aldwin, Alfred had noted. Although he occasionally switched over to Jordan. Alfred couldn't help but smile whenever he caught a glimpse of Edmundo tapping Jordan's should or asking him a question. As soon as they arrived at his house(he and Jordan drew lots to see who would host who and when; Alfred had technically lost, but he didn't really think of it as a loss), Edmundo became that much more clingy, even going so far as to ask Alfred questions and clutching his arm. Alfred didn't mind, the only problem was that Edmundo was clinging to his dominant arm.

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