Chapter 9 - Old Friends and Circumstances

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I stared at Yoshida, intimidated as he rested his head on his hands, smiling with what seemed like some sort of sadistic pleasure. I started to tremble a little.

"Oiiiiiii, Hinata-san!" Manabe waved at me, catching my attention. "Come, sit!" I smiled at him and sat down beside him. "Thanks, Manabe!"

He pursed his lips and his face brightened. "N-No problem, Hinata-san." He leaned in closer. "Hey, what was that with Yoshida-kun? Do you two know each other?"

I racked my brain for an explanation. "Oh. No, I don't know Yoshida-kun. He just... looks like someone I know." Smooth, Yui.

Yoshida-kun suddenly appeared behind me and wrapped his arms around me, his face next to mine. His curly, black hair was soft against my face, his scent enveloping me. His wonderful scent. Still the same as back then.

"Aww, Yui-chan, you're treating me like a stranger. Aren't you going to tell him about us?" I sat there, motionless, as he took a lock of my hair. "It still smells beautiful. You know, I never really forgot this smell."

Manabe, and everyone in the class, was silent. All eyes were on us.

"I thought she said she didn't have a boyfriend?" "Who knew she was going out with Yoshida-kun." "Aww, man, if she's with Yoshida, we haven't got a chance."

Yoshida-kun, looked up. "Oh, do you guys want a show?"

He pulled my shirt collar down a little, and planted a kiss on the side of my neck. Yoshida-kun, with his soft lips and silky hair. Yoshida-kun, my ex-boyfriend. He slowly and gently placed his lips on my neck, moving upwards.

"Yoshida-san, in your own time, please!" Nakamura-sensei ordered, displeased.

"Yes, Nakamura-sensei," Yoshida-kun said, pulling away, but not before leaning in and whispering in my ear. "You can deny that I'm your boyfriend, but you can't deny our past," he said and blew at my ear. I shivered. He laughed.

"Yoshida-san, go to your seat right now. My patience is running out," sensei said angrily.

"Hai, hai," he replied nonchalantly, placing his hands in his pockets and sitting at his desk.

Just then, our math teacher, Narita-sensei from earlier, entered the class. Everyone turned their attention to the her and Yoshida-kun and I were soon forgotten.

"Hinata-san. I-I didn't know that you and Yoshida-kun were dating. I'm sorry for getting between you two," Manabe whispered to me, guilt in his eyes.

"We're not dating, Manabe, you don't have to feel bad!" I said, grinning.

The look in his eyes shifted to confusion.

"Then what was that?"

"Well, you see... Yoshida-kun is my ex-boyfriend." I didn't tell Akito about how, when I broke up with Yoshida-kun, he ignored me and pretended that I was still his girlfriend, even if it meant by force. Even if it meant hurting Sora and those close to me.

"WHAAAAAAA-" he exclaimed. I quickly put my hand over his mouth.

"Shhh! You're going to get us in trouble!"

"Sorry," he whispered. "But do you still like Yoshida-kun?"

"No, I'm over him."

I saw Manabe fist pump out of the corner of my eye and smiled.

"My first name is Akito," he declared, looking me straight in the eyes.

"That's a nice name."

"Thanks," he smiled proudly. "Do you mind if I call you Yui?"

"Sure," I said, thinking nothing of it. "Can I call you Akito?"

"Of course," he said, smiling like an idiot.

"Now, now, Akito, don't go falling for me."

He blushed and looked away. "It's too late for that," he muttered. I don't think I was meant to hear that, so I acted like I didn't.

The rest of the day went by quickly. I caught Yoshida-kun staring at me quite a bit. I spent lunch with Akito. He showed me around the school, since he found out about how bad my sense of direction was. I ran into Nakamura-sensei, who looked a bit displeased whenever Akito or Yoshida-kun came up in the conversation.

Many things were said about me that day. Ema's twin. The transfer student that's super smart. That really pretty new girl in 2-D. Manabe's crush. Yoshida's girlfriend. The girl who's a bit too close to Nakamura-sensei. The new girl's probably really snobby. She's just playing all the guys. She's so fake. And so on.

I texted Ema that I'd go home by myself, and I did, seeing as there was literally no way to mess up the directions. Yet I did.

I had to ask many people for directions, but eventually I made it home. When I got home, I greeted Ukyo, who told me that we were going to celebrate Subaru's 20th birthday tomorrow. "It's been a while since Ema and I have celebrated a birthday with family." Ukyo smiled.

"It's always nice to celebrate with family."

I excused myself and told Ukyo that I'd be in my room. "You must be tired. A lot's been going on. Please rest, I think you need it."

I yawned loudly. "Yeah, I will, thanks Ukyo-nii. Do you mind sending someone to wake me in about 2 hours? I want to eat dinner with everyone."

"I will, please don't worry, enjoy your rest."

"Thank... You..." I said drowsily and made my way to my room. As I was walking down the hallway, I noticed someone opening a door.


His head whipped around to me.

"Yui?! What are you doing here?"

"My dad is getting married to Miwa," I said. "You and I are going to be siblings now~ How cool is that?"

Fuuto stood there silently for a while. I tilted my head and looked at him. He suddenly came back to his senses, and changed the direction of the conversation. "So that idiot I saw earlier was your sister?"

"No, no, Fuu-chan. Calling Ema an idiot in front of me is not allowed."

"What're you going to do about it?" he asked smugly.

"Ne~ Fuuto, I'm too tired right now to annoy you. Let's go watch some anime in my room," I offered.

Fuuto grinned and drew closer to me. "Are you sure that's safe, onee-chan?"

I pushed his face away with my hand. "Whatever, just grab your pillows, you're not using mine, even if you beg."

"I'll be there in 5 minutes, annoying Yui," he said as walking into his room.

"My room's next to Tsubaki's!" I shouted to him, then went to mine.

I set up my laptop and attached it to the TV. Okay, time for some Fairy Tail! I hooked up everything, closed the curtains and dimmed the lights.

As I was fixing my bed, I heard a knock at the door. "Hurry up and open the door, idiot."

"Coming, coming." I opened to door and Fuuto came in with his pillows and some Pocky. He held them out to me.

"Ne~ Fuu-chan, are you an angel?" He laughed at my question.

I went and sat down on the bed, Fuuto joined. I covered us both with a blanket and played the episode. Go on Natsu, beat Sting's ass. I'm sorry Sting, I love you, but Natsu needs to win this battle for Fairy Tail! I felt a light weight on my head and shoulders to see Fuuto had fallen asleep.

It felt a little lonely without Sora, since we usually did this at Sora's house, when Fuuto wasn't busy. Ema didn't come over Sora's house much, which is where Fuuto usually slept over. So the two had never met. I never really realised that till now. Talk about strange.

I slowly started drifting off too, but I tried really hard to stay awake. Nooooo, Natsu, you have to wiinnnnnnn. I leaned on Fuuto and drifted off. He started to mumble something in his sleep. I caught a few words as blackness enveloped me.

"Yui... Even if you're my sister... It won't change my feelings for you..."

I Have How Many New Brothers?! (Brothers Conflict fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang