Chapter 27 - My Best Friend: Part 2

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Because the park wasn't too far away, we decided that we'd walk there. Ukyo and Ema prepared a boxed lunch for all of us, then Ema, Wataru, Tsubaki, Azusa, Kaname, Iori, Ukyo, Masaomi, Sora and I set off. Kaname was wearing casual clothes today and it felt strange because I wasn't used to seeing him without his monk attire. Yusuke wanted to sleep more, Fuuto was busy and Ukyo said Subaru might join us later. I wondered about the other three brothers who I hadn't met yet.

I remembered the brother I'd seen on my first day here, when Ema got sick. I think he might have been the "Louis-san" that Ema mentioned. From her descriptions, he seemed like a nice person. Of the other 2 brothers, I knew nothing. Well, that'll just make meeting them all the more exciting, wouldn't it?

But I was still very curious and made a mental note to ask some of the other brothers about them. Maybe I'll just ask for names only so I can at least attempt to address them.

All of the brothers were being really nice to Sora, making conversations with him on the way. Even though I hadn't hung around with him like this for a while, I was just too happy for him to feel annoyed at the lack of attention I was getting.

After what I imagined was 10 minutes, we reached the park. There was a huge field, the grass was lush and bright green. The flowers bloomed in many vibrant colours. Wataru immediately detached from the group and ran to the playground excitedly. Masaomi ran after him worriedly. I laughed. Masaomi really doted on Wataru.

I looked around and there were quite a lot of people sharing the park with us. Families and couples laughed under the shade of the trees, children played on the playground and in the sand pits. Wataru had managed to make some friends very quickly and they were playing tag. 

I noticed that Masaomi had brought a soccer ball. I ran up to him and asked if I could play with it and he gladly handed it over, saying he was glad he hadn't brought it for nothing.

I ran up to everyone and held the ball out. "Anyone up for a game of soccer?" I asked with a smirk.

Sora immediately jumped up. "Memememe. I wanna play. Me!"

"Let's go then." No one else seemed very enthusiastic about it at this point. "You guys, come join later, kay?" 

I dropped the ball down and started running with it. Sora ran ahead of me and called for the ball. I passed it to him and he ran to the centre of the field. We both stood on the centre line for the kick off.

"Ready?!" I called.

"Ready!" he confirmed.

"Okay! 3! 2! 1! GO!" 

He kicked the ball to me, and I kicked it back. As soon as he got the ball, he starting running with it to one of the goals. I chased him, managing to catch up to his speed, and kicked the ball away from him. He stumbled over his feet and I ran after the ball, swivelling it around and running to my own goal.

"Yui!" I looked up to see Tsubaki waving his arms at me. "Pass here!" I stopped the ball and booted it to him. He stopped it and ran with it towards the goal. Azusa was running at him. Oooh, Sora and Azusa against me and Tsubaki. That sounds like fun.

I ran closer to Tsubaki so that he could pass it to me if he needed to. He wasn't exactly great at soccer, but he wasn't that bad either. Azusa got in front of him and he called out to me and kicked the ball to me as hard as he could. The shot was angled very badly so the ball soared way out in front of me. I chased it to stop it from going out, just managing to get it.

However, stopping the ball so suddenly, considering how fast I'd been running, made me trip up, and I fell over. I immediately got up, but Sora was sprinting towards me. Azusa had Tsubaki marked. Suddenly, I heard another group of voices. "Yui! We're open!" Ema and Kaname waved at me while Masaomi and Iori backed up Sora. 

I Have How Many New Brothers?! (Brothers Conflict fanfiction)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora