Dramatic faux fur coat

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I sat on the bleachers, watching Dean sprint across the field, dribbling the ball with his feet. He looked good; his forehead was glistening with sweat but every time he began to sprint I could see his muscles flexing and it made me grin. Sitting in the cold was worth it. 

I wasn't exactly freezing, anyway. I was wearing a rather dramatic, long black faux-fur coat. I had bought it as a joke with Bones, but it had quickly become one of my favourite jackets. It was really warm. I was also wearing ripped jeans and doc martens, per usual.

My heavy metal music was blaring in my earphones and I slightly nodded along as I took drags of my cigarette. Dean had spotted me the second he walked onto the pitch and I sighed with relief. He wasn't here last week and it had been rather annoying to have to wait a whole week for a chance to catch him again. 

He kept glancing over to me like he wanted to run over and talk to me but he had to wait till' the end of training. His team mates kept staring at me too; two weeks running I had showed up to their practice, and this time I had actually stayed. They seemed to all be freaking out and it was quite funny to me. Their speculations probably didn't include me waiting here to talk to, and maybe kiss the fuck out of, their cute striker again.

I noticed one of the players in particular always seemed to be by Dean's side and I had even seen him slap his ass in the cafeteria last Friday. No way was that guy straight; if he liked Dean, I totally wouldn't be surprised. It would be three weeks tomorrow since our kiss and I was dying for another one and if this kid gets in my way, I swear I won't be going down without a fight. Not now that I had gotten a taste of how sweet Dean truly was. Not when I was determined for more.

 My eyes twinkled as Dean tripped over a ball while staring at me. There's no way he didn't feel the same. His eyes practically ate me they were so hungry every time he glanced at me. Once the game was over, I saw Dean's friend slap his ass again and I frowned deeply. Dean didn't even seem to take any notice, though.

Dean quite literally sprinted over to me the second his coach blew the whistle and dismissed them from practice and I smirked. He looked like a puppy; a goofy spaniel running across the field. All his teammates stopped to look as Dean came to a stop in front of me, the studs on his shoes clacking against the metal stands with a really horrible sound.

"Hi. I presume you were waiting for me?" He grinned at me, his face flushed after his training. 

He was adorable.

"Uh, no... I was actually waiting for someone else on the team." I teased him, standing up and walking closer to him.

"Oh, yeah? Is he a better kisser than me?" Dean teased back, also walking closer to me. 

I suppose our three weeks apart had given the kid some confidence. Before now, he had barely been able to speak around me he was so nervous. I suppose I'd have to humble him. The space between us wasn't much but it felt like miles. I just wanted to close it and take him in my arms again.

"I don't think anyone's a better kisser than you." I murmured, "I take it sweeping you off of your feet in front of your team mates is off limits?"

"That's probably for the best." Dean sighed.

I glanced up at them, noticing they were all still staring. I leaned in closer to Dean, a mischievous smile playing on my lips.

"Doesn't mean I can't do it in private. Go get changed."

He nodded, blushing, and jogged off. He was nearly sprinting. Obviously he wanted to change as fast as humanly possible so that we could get going. I wasn't sure what I was going to ask him, or talk to him about. All I know is that seeing him around the halls for the past three weeks and not being able to kiss the crap out of him was killing me. 

We needed to do something about that, and soon, because I'm going to go crazy if his ass gets slapped one more time by that delinquent. I sat back down and waited a while but soon I noticed his friend was approaching me. Interesting.

"Hey, gothy kid, Axel, right? What did you say to my friend to make him run off like that?" He squared up to me, getting in my face as if he intimidated me.

"It's not like that." I chuckled with a mischievous smirk. 

It was quite the opposite to fear. I let my voice drop an octave to scare him.

 "Now step the fuck off of my shoes and out of my face."

"Adam? Oh my god, get away!" Dean cried, shoving Adam away from me and inspecting me for injuries. 

I smirked at Adam's confused and slightly hurt expression. He's mine, bitch, so stop touching his ass and don't jump to conclusions about me.

"What the fuck, you mean he was waiting for you, Dean?" Adam frowned, watching Dean stand close to me in an almost protective manner.

"I don't need protecting, Dean Christ, stand down." 

"I was waiting for Dean, problem?"

"What do you need him for?" Adam asked, incredulously. 

His eyes flitted over the blushing Dean.

"Bit nosey, aren't we? I don't believe it's any of your business." I shrugged, strolling away.

Dean followed me, leaving behind a very confused Adam.

"Where are we going?" Dean asked.

"I was thinking my house? We need to talk." I shrugged, unlocking my car.

He shrugged and climbed into my car on the passenger side. 

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